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The subcommittee that covers intellectual property issues under the House Judiciary Committee questioned how Congress should address the escalating volume of de minimis packages -- and the opportunities those shipments provide for sending counterfeits and goods made with forced labor, but the CBP witness responsible for de minimis and IP declined to back any of the ideas that were bandied about.

Today’s Top News

Section 301 China tariff changes outlined by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative May 14 will take effect approximately 90 days after a request for comments that will be issued next week. That includes a 100% tariff on Chinese-origin electric vehicles, as well as the jump to 25% Section 301 tariffs on steel and aluminum products, ship to shore cranes, lithium-ion electric vehicle batteries, battery parts for non-lithium-ion batteries, "some critical minerals" and face masks, and a bump to 50% tariffs on solar cells, syringes and needles, the White House said in a fact sheet.

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National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones 2024 Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans
Western Cargo Conference (WESCCON), Coronado, California
Automotive Industry Action Group 2024 Global Customs and Trade Town Hall, Livonia, Michigan
U.S. Fashion Industry Association 2024 Apparel Importers Trade & Transportation Conference, New York

People in the News

May 8, 2024
Former Deputy USTR Joins Kelley Drye as Senior Trade Adviser

Former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Jayme White will join Kelley Drye as a senior international trade adviser starting May 13 in the international trade practice group, the firm announced. White joined USTR in 2021, engaging with nations in the Western Hemisphere, Europe and the Middle East. USTR noted his departure in October, saying he led the enforcement of the USMCA, along with the global deal on sustainable steel and aluminum and negotiations on a critical minerals agreement. Prior to joining USTR, White worked in the office of then-Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., and as chief adviser for international competitiveness and innovation for the Senate Finance Committee.

NCBFAA Elects New Officers and Board Members for 2024-2026 Term

The National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America finalized its election of new officers and board members to govern the association for 2024-2026, the association said.

The NCBFAA, in an emailed release April 26, said it elected Jose Gonzalez of JD Gonzalez LCB president, Kristiann App of J.W. Allen & Company vice president, Laurie Arnold of JAS USA secretary and Karen Damon of Mohawk Global treasurer. Past President Jan Fields will serve as board chairman.

The association also elected the following board members for two-year terms that begin next month: Jerrod Nutt of A.N. Deringer, Dave Corn of Comstock/CJ Holt, Mark Tedesco of John A. Steer, Ralph De La Rosa of Imperial Freight Brokers, Scott Larson of MOL Logistics, Lori Azzopardi of EFI Logistics, Melzana Wilson of Mullins International Solutions, Eduardo Lozano of Eduardo E. Lozano & Co., and Patty Tschaepe of J&K Fresh.

The new officers and board members will focus on advancing automation in the customs brokerage and freight forwarding industry and increasing collaboration with CBP on new initiatives, Gonzalez said.

Katherine White Named Chief Textiles and Apparel Negotiator

Katherine White, an international trade policy adviser for Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee, has been chosen by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to be its chief textiles and apparel negotiator. The announcement means the role is returning to a political appointee role, rather than a career staff role.

“Strengthening America’s textile industry is a key priority for USTR,” U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said in a release announcing the appointment. “The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to crafting trade policy that supports industry revitalization and resilience. Ms. White is a skilled and strategic trade negotiator, and I look forward to continuing this work with her as we fight for a better deal for America’s textile manufacturers.”

Before working on the Hill, White worked in the International Trade Administration at the Department of Commerce.

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