AD: China and India Carbazole Violet Pigment 23
The International Trade Administration (ITA) has made preliminary affirmative antidumping (AD) duty determinations that carbazole violet pigment 23 (CVP-23) from China and India is being, or is likely to be, sold in the U.S. at less than fair value.
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The ITA states that because of a critical circumstances finding for Goldlink, Haidi, and Hanchem, it is directing U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to suspend liquidation of any unliquidated entries of CVP-23 from China exported by these companies with a time of entry on or after 90 days prior to June 24, 2004.
In addition, the ITA is directing CBP to suspend liquidation of all entries of subject merchandise from (a) China exporters other than Goldlink, Haidi, and Hanchem, and (b) India that have a time of entry on or after June 24, 2004.
The ITA states that it is also instructing CBP to require a cash deposit or the posting of a bond at the AD rates listed below, for entries with a time of entry on or after June 24, 2004:
The ITA states that the China-wide rate applies to all entries of the subject merchandise except for entries from the four exporters individually listed above.
‡The ITA indicates that these AD duty rates reflect an adjustment for export subsidies found in the companion countervailing (CV) duty investigation. (See ITA notice for information on the subtraction of export subsidies from initial AD duty rates.)
1 The ITA states that it has preliminarily determined to treat Hanchem and Tianjin Heng An Trading Co., Ltd. (Heng An) as a single entity for purposes of this AD duty investigation.
Corrections to ITA's Scope of Investigations
According to ITA sources, the correct scope of these investigations with respect to the chemical name of CVP-23 is …diindolo [3,2-b:3',2'-m]triphenodioxazine, 8,18-dichloro-5, 15-diethy-5,15-dihydro-…
(Both initiation notices incorrectly listed “15 5,” as part of the chemical name. In addition, the instant China preliminary determination incorrectly includes a semi-colon in the chemical name.)
ITA Postpones Final AD Duty Determinations
The ITA states that because it has made affirmative preliminary AD duty determinations, and the requesting parties account for a significant proportion of the exports of CVP-23 from India and China, it has postponed the final AD duty determinations in these investigations until no later than 135 days after June 24, 2004.
In addition, the ITA indicates that it is extending provisional measures (suspension of liquidation and AD cash deposit/bond requirements) accordingly.
(See ITA notice for more information, including the scope of the investigations and comment submission requirements. See ITT's Online Archives or 12/22/03 news, (Ref: 03122250) for BP summary of the initiation of these AD duty investigations. See ITT's Online Archives or 04/28/04 news, (Ref: 04042840) for BP summary of the preliminary affirmative CV duty determination for the companion CV duty investigation of CVP-23 from India.)
Christopher Welty | (China) | (202) 482-0186 |
Charles Riggle | (India) | (202) 482-0650 |
China ITA notice (FR Pub 06/24/04) available at
India ITA notice (FR Pub 06/24/04) available at