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ITC Issues Final Report on Proposed HTS Changes for January 1, 2007 (Part XIII - HTS Chapters 46-51)

The International Trade Commission (ITC) has issued a final report to the President in connection with its investigation of proposed modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) that are expected to take effect on January 1, 2007.

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This final report, entitled, Proposed Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S., is part of ITC investigation number 1205-6 which was instituted in September 2004, in conjunction with the third review cycle of the International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS).

This is Part XIII of a multi-part series of summaries on the ITC's final report. Part XIII highlights the proposed changes to HTS Chapters 46 through 51 as set forth in Appendix B. See ITC report for duty rates; future issues of ITT for additional summaries.

Proposed Changes to HTS Chapters 46 through 51

Appendix B of the ITC final report sets forth the following proposed changes for HTS Chapters 46 through 51 (see report for complete details):

Chapter 46:Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork

Note 1 to chapter 46 would be amended by replacing "bamboos" by "bamboos, rattans"

  1. 1.20 through 4601.20.90 would be superseded by 4601.21, 4601.21.40, 4601.21.80, 4601.21.90, 4601.22, 4601.22.40, 4601.22.80, 4601.22.90, 4601.29, 4601.29.40, 4601.29.60, 4601.29.80 and 4601.29.90
  2. 1.91 through 4601.91.40 would be superseded by 4601.92, 4601.92.05, 4601.92.20, 4601.93, 4601.93.01, 4601.93.05, 4601.93.20, 4601.94, 4601.94.05, 4601.94.20 and 4601.94.40
  3. 2.10 through 4602.10.80 would be superseded by 4602.11, 4602.11.05, 4602.11.07, 4602.11.09, 4602.11.21, 4602.11.35, 4602.11.45, 4602.12, 4602.12.05, 4602.12.14, 4602.12.16, 4602.12.23, 4602.12.25, [4602.12, 4602.12.35, 4602.12.45, 4602.19, 4602.19.05, 4602.19.12, 4602.19.14, 4602.19.16, 4602.19.17, 4602.19.18, 4602.19.22, 4602.19.23, 4602.19.25, 4602.19.29, 4602.19.35, 4602.19.45, 4602.19.60 and 4602.19.80

Chapter 47:Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; waste and scrap of paper or paperboard

  1. 6.30.00 would be added
  2. 6.92.00 and 4706.93.00 would be renumbered as 4706.92.01 and 4706.93.01, respectively

Chapter 48:Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, of paper or of paperboard

Note 2(n) to chapter 48 would be amended by replacing the expression "(Section XV)" by "(generally Section XIV or XV)"

Note 4 to chapter 48 would be amended by deleting the expression "of which not less than 65%" and substituting "of which not less than 50%"

Note 9(a)(i) to Chapter 48 would be amended by replacing "e.g.," by "for example,"

last paragraph of note 9 to chapter 48 would be superseded by "Products on a base of paper or paperboard, suitable for use both as floor coverings and as wall coverings, are to be classified in heading 4823."

  1. 2.30 through 4802.30.70 would be deleted
  2. 2.54.30 and 4802.54.60 would be renumbered as 4802.54.31 and 4802.54.61, respectively
  3. 9.10 through 4809.10.40 would be deleted
  4. 9.90.70 would be renumbered as 4809.90.71
  5. 4.30.00 would be deleted
  6. 4.90.00 would be renumbered as 4814.90.01
  7. 5.00.00 would be deleted
  8. 1.10.10, 4811.10.20 and 4823.90.66 would be renumbered as 4811.10.11, 4811.10.21 and 4823.90.67, respectively
  9. 6.10.00 and 4816.30.00 would be deleted
  10. 6.90.00 would be renumbered as 4816.90.01
  11. 3.12.00 and 4823.19.01 and the superior text immediately preceding these subheadings would be deleted
  12. 1.41.20 and 4811.49.20 would be renumbered as 4811.41.21 and 4811.49.21, respectively
  13. 3.60.000 would be superseded by 4823.61.00 and 4823.69.00

Section XI:Textile and textile articles

Note 1 to section XI would be amended by:

in subparagraph (a), the expression "(heading 0503)" would be replaced by "(heading 0511)", and
in subparagraph (e), the expression "(for example, wadding, gauze, bandages and similar articles for medical, surgical dental or veterinary purposes, sterile surgical suture materials" would be deleted

Note 13 to section XI would be renumbered as Note 14

new Note 13 to section XI would be added

subheading Note 1(a) to section XI would be deleted

subheading Notes 1(b) to 1(k) to section XI would be relettered as subheading Notes 1(a) to 1(ij), respectively

the paragraph immediately preceding subheading Note 1(k) (relettered as 1(ij)) would be superseded by "The definitions at (d) to (h) above apply, mutatis mutandis, to knitted or crocheted fabrics."

Chapter 50:Silk

  1. 3 and subheadings 5003.10.00 and 5003.90.00 would be superseded by 5003.00, 5003.00.10 and 5003.00.90

Chapter 51:Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yarn and woven fabric

Note 1 to chapter 51 would be amended as follows:

- in subparagraph (b) the expression "(including dromedary)" would be inserted after "camel"
- in subparagraph (c) the expression "(heading 0503)" would be replaced by "(heading 0511)"

(See ITT's Online Archives or 06/08/06, 06/09/06, 06/13/06, 06/15/06, 06/16/06, 06/19/06, 06/20/06, 06/21/06, 06/22/06, 06/23/06, 06/26/06, and 06/27/06 news, 06060815, 06060915, 06061320, 06061510, 06061620, 06061920, 06062020, 06062120, 06062230, 06062330, 06062630, and 06062730, for Parts I-XII of BP summary of the ITC's final report on these proposed changes. See ITT's Online Archives or 04/25/05 and 04/26/05 news, 05042505 and 05042610, for Parts I and II of BP summary on the ITC'spreliminary report.

See ITT's Online Archives or 08/30/05 news, 05083005, for BP summary of ITC's request for proposals to amend the international HS in 2012.)

ITC Final Report, including duty rates (Inv. No. 1205-6 (Final), USITC Publication 3851, dated April 2006) available at