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China Steel Nails: Final Results of AD New Shipper Review

The International Trade Administration has issued the final results of an antidumping duty new shipper review of certain steel nails from China for the period of January 23, 2008 through January 31, 2009.

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AD Cash Deposit Instructions for a Time of Entry on or after 06/17/10:

CompanyAD Rate
Qingdao Denarius Manufacture Co., Ltd., as manufacturer and exporter34.14%
Other manufacturer-exporter combinations(a),(b)

(a) For subject merchandise exported by Qingdao Denarius, but not manufactured by Qingdao Denarius, the AD duty cash deposit rate will continue to be the China-wide entity rate of 118.04%; and

(b) For subject merchandise manufactured by Qingdao Denarius, but exported by any party other than Qingdao Denarius, the AD duty cash deposit rate will be the rate applicable to the exporter.

Assessment Instructions

The ITA intends to issue appropriate assessment instructions directly to U.S. Customs and Border Protection 15 days after June 17, 2010. The ITA has calculated importer- specific duty assessment rates on a per-unit basis.

(See ITA notice for more information, including the scope of the order, changes since the preliminary results, etc.

See ITT's Online Archives or 01/19/10 news, 10011945, for BP summary of the preliminary results of this review.)

ITA contact -- Tim Lord (202) 482-7425

(FR Pub 06/17/10, ITA Case No. A-570-909)