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AD/CVD Admin Reviews Begin for Frozen Fish, Retail Bags, Ripe Olives

The Commerce Department began administrative reviews for certain firms subject to antidumping and countervailing duty orders with August anniversary dates. Producers and exporters subject to any of these administrative reviews on China or Vietnam must submit their separate rate certifications or applications on or about Oct. 21 to avoid being assigned high China-wide or Vietnam-wide rates.

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Commerce to Set Final AD/CV Duty Assessments, New Cash Deposit Rates

In these administrative reviews, Commerce will determine final assessments of AD and CV duties on importers for entries of subject merchandise during the relevant period of review. It will also set new cash deposit requirements for subject merchandise from the companies under review, effective on the date it issues the final results of the review. The agency said it intends to issue the final results of these reviews by Aug. 31, 2025.

(See Commerce's notice for a full list of companies subject to these administrative reviews. Companies not listed will have their entries liquidated at the cash deposit rate in effect at the time of entry, and their cash deposit rates will not change.)

AD Proceedings
(Review Period:08/01/23 - 07/31/24)
CanadaFinished Carbon Steel FlangesA-122-867
ChinaHydrofluorocarbon BlendsA-570-028
ChinaMetal Lockers and Parts ThereofA-570-133
ChinaPassenger Vehicle and Light Truck TiresA-570-016
ChinaPolyethylene Retail Carrier BagsA-570-886
ChinaSteel NailsA-570-909
IndiaFinished Carbon Steel FlangesA-533-871
IndonesiaUtility Scale Wind TowersA-560-833
MalaysiaPolyethylene Retail Carrier BagsA-557-813
MalaysiaSilicon MetalA-557-820
MexicoLight Walled Rectangular Pipe and TubeA-201-836
South KoreaDioctyl TerephthalateA-580-889
South KoreaLarge Power TransformersA-580-867
South KoreaLow Melt Polyester Staple FiberA-580-895
South KoreaUtility Scale Wind TowersA-580-902
SpainRipe OlivesA-469-817
SpainUtility Scale Wind TowersA-469-823
ThailandSteel Propane CylindersA-549-839
VietnamFrozen Fish FilletsA-552-801
VietnamSeamless Refined Copper Pipe and TubeA-552-831
(Review Period:07/01/23 - 06/30/24)
South KoreaSteel Nails*A-580-874
ThailandPassenger Vehicle and Light Truck Tires*A-549-842
(Review Period:06/01/23 - 05/31/24)
SpainChlorinated Isocyanurates*A-469-814
VietnamRaw Honey*A-552-833
CV Proceedings
(Review Period:01/01/23 - 12/31/23)
CanadaUtility Scale Wind TowersC-122-868
ChinaMetal Lockers and Parts ThereofC-570-134
ChinaPassenger Vehicle and Light Truck TiresC-570-017
IndiaFinished Carbon Steel FlangesC-533-872
MalaysiaUtility Scale Wind TowersC-557-822
South KoreaStainless Steel Sheet and Strip in CoilsC-580-835
SpainRipe OlivesC-469-818
Suspension Agreements

*Correction to a previously issued initiation notice.

Separate Rate Certifications/Applications for China and Vietnam

All firms listed in Commerce's notice that wish to either retain or receive separate-rate status in the administrative reviews involving nonmarket economy (NME) countries (e.g., China and Vietnam) must complete, as appropriate, either a Separate Rate Certification or a Separate Rate Application to demonstrate independence from government control. Otherwise, they will be assigned the usually high countrywide rate. Certifications are due 30 calendar days from the publication of the notice (i.e., Oct. 21). Rate Certifications and the Separate Rate Status Applications are available on Commerce's website.

Notices of No Sales During the Review Period

If a producer or exporter named in this notice of initiation had no exports, sales or entries during the period of review, it must notify Commerce within 30 days of the publication of this notice in the Federal Register, i.e., Oct. 21. Commerce will consider rescinding the review for the producer or exporter. If Commerce rescinds the review for a company, then subject merchandise from that company will continue to enter at AD or CVD cash deposit rates set in previous reviews.

Respondent Selection

If Commerce limits the number of respondents for individual examination for administrative reviews, the agency will select respondents based on CBP data during the period of investigation. Respondent selection will be made within 30 days of publication of this Federal Register notice, i.e., Oct. 21. Comments regarding the CBP data and respondent selection should be filed within five days of placement of the CBP data on the record of the applicable review.