The Census Bureau issued AES Broadcast #2012031 as part of a series of monthly educational broadcast messages on the Automated Export System. This month Census is highlighting AES error codes 114 (HAZMAT Indicator Missing) and 244 (USPPI Contact Phone Number Format: NNNNNNNNNN). The broadcast covers the reasons for these error messages and how to resolve them. Email for a copy of the April 18, 2012, broadcast.
Brian Feito
Brian Feito is Managing Editor of International Trade Today, Export Compliance Daily and Trade Law Daily. A licensed customs broker who spent time at the Department of Commerce calculating antidumping and countervailing duties, Brian covers a wide range of subjects including customs and trade-facing product regulation, the courts, antidumping and countervailing duties and Mexico and the European Union. Brian is a graduate of the University of Florida and George Mason University. He joined the staff of Warren Communications News in 2012.
The Census Bureau issued an AES broadcast announcing that the AESDirect system will undergo two one-hour maintenance outages on April 20 from 1 a.m .-- 2 a.m. EDT and April 27 from 1 a.m .-- 2 a.m. EDT. Census says that during these outages the AES Downtime Policy will not be enacted due to the brief periods of unavailability. Census encourages all AESDirect program filers to file shipments prior to these outages if possible. AESPcLink users are encouraged to continue creating and storing shipments in a queue on their local computers for transmission when AESDirect is brought back on-line.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology is inviting recommendations and suggestions for workshops covering specific sectors and targeted countries or regions where training in the U.S. approaches to development and use of standards may facilitate trade, increase U.S. exports, and/or benefit U.S. industry. NIST will offer a limited number of these Standards in Trade (SIT) workshops each year, which are designed to introduce U.S. stakeholders to emerging standards and conformity assesment in other countries and regions; identify regulatory information and market access issues; etc. Recommendations may be submitted at any time and will be considered on a quarterly basis.
Four WTO members reported their commitment to opening their markets for products from least-developed countries, at a meeting April 16, 2012, says the World Trade Organization. The four members, India, China, Taiwan, and Korea, provided information on their duty-free schemes at the April 16 meeting of the sub-committee on least-developed countries (LDCs). The sub-committee, a subsidiary body to the Committee on Trade and Development in which all WTO members may participate, is dedicated to discussing issues of particular importance to least-developed members.
The International Trade Administration issued the final results of its antidumping duty changed circumstances review of certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Vietnam (A-552-802). The ITA determined that C. P. Vietnam Corporation is the successor-in-interest to C. P. Vietnam Livestock Corporation. As such, the ITA will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to apply the same AD cash deposit rate in effect for C.P. Livestock (1.04%) to all entries of subject merchandise from C.P. Vietnam that were entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after April 18, 2012.
The International Trade Administration issued a notice announcing that the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Advisory Committee will hold an open meeting on May 2-3, 2012, via conference call, to consider and vote on proposed recommendations from the Domestic Policy, Finance and Trade Subcommittee that address issues affecting U.S. competitiveness in exporting renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services, such as access to finance and removal of trade barriers. The Committee will also review and vote on a draft letter to Commerce Secretary Bryson regarding the need for a strong domestic policy to encourage growth in the U.S. renewable energy and energy efficiency markets as a strong base for exports.
The International Trade Commission determined that a U.S. industry is not materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of bottom mount refrigerator-freezers from Korea that the International Trade Administration has determined are subsidized and from Korea and Mexico that the ITA has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.
On April 16 and 17, 2012, the Foreign Agricultural Service issued the following GAIN reports:
The Department of Agriculture announced a fiscal year 2012 raw sugar tariff-rate quota increase of 420,000 short tons raw value (SRTV) (reassigned from FY 2012 surplus allocations from the cane sugar domestic marketing allotment), effective April 19, 2012.
The Bureau of Industry and Security issued a final rule, effective April 18, 2012, which amends the Export Administration Regulations by adding to the Entity List1, 3 persons in Canada and Jordan.