According to Chinese press sources, South Korea's Ministry of Strategy and Finance stated that it will impose a zero-duty tariff quota on imported pork to cope with the unstable supply caused by the country's ongoing epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease and stabilize prices. The ministry also said the current tariff of 25 percent on pork used as a raw material for meat processed products will be lowered to zero percent starting in January. A total of 60,000 tons of pork will be subject to the tariff reduction. The measures will remain effective until the end of June.
The Government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices on January 26, 2011:
In the January 27, 2011 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted :
The European Union issued the following trade-related releases on January 27, 2011:
The Government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices on January 25, 2011:
The World Trade Organization posted the following notices for January 25, 2011 (may have to click twice on source documents for proper viewing):
The European Union issued the following trade-related releases on January 26, 2011:
In the January 25, 2011 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted :
In the January 26, 2011 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted :
The European Union issued the following trade-related releases on January 25, 2011: