The World Trade Organization posted the following notices for December 10, 2010 (may have to click twice on source documents for proper viewing):
The European Union issued the following trade-related releases on December 9, 2010:
The World Trade Organization posted the following notices for December 9, 2010 (may have to click twice on source documents for proper viewing):
The European Union issued the following releases on December 8, 2010:
The Government of Canada issued the following releases on December 7, 2010:
The Policy Commission of the World Customs Organization met in China on December 6-8, 2010, for its 64th policy session. An important subject on the agenda was recent air cargo security threats, and the contribution and role of Customs in facilitating air cargo security.
The World Trade Organization posted the following notices for December 8, 2010 (may have to click twice on source documents for proper viewing):
In the December 8, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
The Government of Canada issued the following releases on Dec 6, 2010:
In the December 7, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted: