The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has issued a list of pine shoot beetle infested areas of Canada and the U.S. as of September 16, 2010 to help with compliance with Directive D-94-22. This directive states the phytosanitary requirements for the importation into Canada from the continental U.S., the movement within, and exportation from Canada of pine plants and plant products that are infested with the pine shoot beetle.
In the September 30, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
European Parliament International Trade Committee Members have approved legislation that would harmonize country of origin labeling requirements and penalties for noncompliance at the European Union level. The legislation aims to ensure that customers are properly informed about a product's origin and protect them against possible health risks, counterfeiting and unfair competition.
The World Trade Organization has issued the tenth U.S. Trade Policy Review which says that U.S. trade and investment regimes are among the most open in the world, and have remained so throughout the period under review. However, the U.S. should continue to reduce its support for agriculture, eliminate remaining barriers to services trade and investment, and pursue trade liberalization on most-favored nation basis to avoid risks of protectionism.
Mexico's Diario Oficial of September 30, 2010 lists notices from the Secretary of the Economy as follows:
Xinhua News reports that a senior official of China's top economic planning body said that conditions for China to launch a carbon emission rights trading system remain premature. However, he said the measures taken by the government to combat climate change would become increasingly strict and emission reduction goals would become increasingly quantified.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service has issued a GAIN1 Report on the European Union’s feed and pet food labeling requirements established by EU Regulation 767/2009, which became applicable September 1, 2010.
The World Trade Organization has issued the report of the Dispute Settlement Panel in the dispute "U.S.-Certain Measures Affecting Imports of Poultry from China" (DS392). The panel finds, among other things, that Section 727 of the fiscal year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act, which prohibits the use of funds appropriated under that Act from being used to establish or implement a rule allowing poultry products to be imported into the U.S. from China, is inconsistent with Articles I:1 and XI:1 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT).
The European Chemicals Agency will shut down the REACH-IT system for routine reconfiguration and maintenance on October 1, 2010. REACH-IT will be shut down at 2:00 am Helsinki time and should re-open during the afternoon. Industry's interface with REACH-IT will not change. The upgrade will simply modify the Agency's side of REACH-IT to enable it to handle a higher number of dossiers and with a higher level of automation.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has posted a list of its 2009 "Import for Re-Export Program" participants.