The World Bank reports that in the two years since the launch of the Colombia Trade Logistics Project, the government of Colombia has already implemented over 15 reforms and issued more than 25 pieces of legislation aimed solely at facilitating trade logistics.
In the September 24, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a notice to inform importers of the Minister’s policies and practices respecting the administration of the 3,274,000 kilogram tariff rate quota (TRQ) for butter, dairy spreads, and fats and oils derived from milk, other than butter or dairy spreads. The notice cancels and replaces Notice No. 746, dated July 13, 2009.
On September 23, 2010, Canada's Minister of International Trade Van Loan tabled legislation to implement the Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement in the House of Commons and highlighted Canada’s commitment to opening new markets through an aggressive free trade agenda.
The European Chemicals Agency has prepared a report, on the request of the European Commission, suggesting restrictions on several mercury containing measuring devices. A report from Norway is suggesting a ban on five phenylmercury substances. ECHA has begun a six-month public consultation period on these proposals. ECHA, however, encourages interested parties to send in their comments by December 24, 2010.
The European Commission has posted the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union's (AMCHAM EU's) response to the EC's request for comments on the EU's future trade policy. Among other things, AMCHAM suggests a heightened sense of urgency on trade matters, the promotion of good regulatory principles, reducing the complexity of EU trade policy, and swifter action on EU market access issues.
At the recent Universal Postal Union (UPU) Strategy Conference, World Customs Organization Secretary General Mikuriya stressed the importance of enhanced cooperation and information exchange between Customs and postal services utilizing the Post EDI (electronic data interchange) in combating illicit trade. He expressed concern about the growing number of seizures by Customs of illegal goods, including narcotics and counterfeits, using postal couriers.
In the September 23, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a notice on the policies and procedures to be followed when requesting supplemental import permits for broiler hatching eggs and chicks.
European Parliament has approved legislation that would establish new standards for "biocides" used to control pests and germs.The legislation would ban the most toxic chemicals, gradually replace other hazardous substances with less harmful alternatives, etc.