Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada is advising importers that the wheat products tariff rate quota (TRQ) will be filled on October 15, 2010.
India's Department of Commerce reports that India's import of "sensitive items" increased 13.6% from April-June 2010 compared to the corresponding period of last year. "Sensitive items" include: cotton, silk, edible oil, automobiles, fruits and vegetables, rubber, milk and milk products, spices, marble & granite, alcoholic beverages, grains, etc.
India's Commerce Secretary Khullar reports that India's imports increased by 32.6% and exports by 22.5% in August. 2010 and that the following sectors are "doing well": cotton yarn, iron ore, gems & jewelery, plastics & linoleum, leather, engineering, and others.
China's Ministry of Commerce reports that China will flex its muscles to boost its exports of low-carbon and green high -end goods, instead of remaining at the low end of the global value chain, according to Gao Hucheng, Vice Minister of Commerce, who spoke at an energy forum in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Province.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has updated its 2010 list of companies that hold quota for chicken and chicken products.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is asking world governments to support the aviation industry’s targets to combat climate change: a 1.5% average annual improvement in fuel efficiency to 2020, capping net emissions from 2020 with carbon-neutral growth, and cutting net emissions in half by 2050 compared to 2005. The group seeks a global approach at the upcoming International Civil Aviation Organization’s Triennial Assembly in Montreal.
In the September 16, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched the latest revision of its internationally-recognized trade terms Incoterms® 2010 on September 16, 2010. The rules, used by companies in business transactions all over the world, will come into effect on January 1, 2011.
The European Union reports that its Foreign Affairs Council has adopted a decision giving the go-ahead for an agreement with South Korea on free trade. The FTA is expected to be signed at the EU-South Korea summit in Brussels on October 6 and provisionally to enter into force on July 1, 2011.
In the September 17, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted: