The Organization for Economic Development reports that gross domestic product in the OECD area rose by 0.7% in the second quarter of 2010, the same rate as in the previous quarter. Real GDP grew by 1% in both the euro area and the European Union driven by record growth of 2.2% in Germany. GDP growth was 1.1% in the United Kingdom; 0.6% in France; and 0.4% in Italy. By contrast, GDP growth in Japan and the U.S. slowed to 0.1% and 0.6% respectively.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has posted an announcement, background information, and a Q&A on its proposal to enhance import controls on food and food ingredients in the Non Federally Registered Sector (NFRS) that are regulated solely under Canada’s Food and Drugs Act.1
Brazil's Ministry of Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade has announced that Brazil's Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) has approved Brazil's first regulation designed to specifically combat circumvention of antidumping and countervailing duties.
The World Trade Organization has posted questions posed by China on the U.S.’ semi-annual report on preliminary and final countervailing actions regarding its CV duty measures against oil country tubular goods from China. (May have to click on source document twice for proper viewing.)
The World Trade Organization has posted a notification by the European Union to the Dispute Settlement Body of its decision to appeal to the Appellate Body certain issues of law covered in the Panel Report and certain legal interpretations in the dispute "European Union -- Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft" (WT/DS316), including the legal irrelevance of pre-1995 subsidies. (May have to click on source document twice for proper viewing.)
In the August 19, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry has announced that India’s exports registered a growth of 13.2% in July, 2010, totaling U.S. $16.24 billion.
In the August 18, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notice was posted:
The European Commission reports that exports of animals and animal products from the European Union to Russia are expected to receive a boost after five new certificates for exports between the EU and the Russian Federation entered into force on August 15. These certificates concern beef with bones, canned and dry pet food and breeding sheep and goats.
The World Trade Organization has posted a notification from Brazil, which expresses its readiness to hold prior consultations regarding extension of the safeguard measure in the form of quantitative restriction on imports of desiccated coconut, and proposes that such consultations take place until August 20, 2010. (May have to click on source document twice for proper viewing.)