The European Commission has posted a report entitled, "EU-China Trade in Facts and Figures." Among other things, the report states that Europe's imports from China grew by about 16.5% annually from 2004-2008 but this growth rate reversed in 2009 and recorded a 13% drop due to the crisis.
In the June 26, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notice was posted:
On June 25, 2010, the European Union and the Philippines initialed the text of a new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) which addresses dialogue, cooperation and action for political issues, trade, investment, security, economics and development. The Philippines is the second ASEAN country to complete negotiations for a PCA. Negotiations are underway with Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore.
The European Commission reports that Russia has aligned some of its maximum levels for pesticide residues (MRLs) with European Union and international standards.
The World Trade Organization announces that the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures has adopted a new ISPM on Pest free potato (Solanum spp.) micropropagative material and minitubers for international trade; a new ISPM on design and operation of post-entry quarantine stations for plants; and annexes and amendments to other ISPMs.
In the June 24, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
In the June 23, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
The European Commission’s Taxation and Customs Union has issued a notice announcing that the EC is proposing to extend the current minimum standard value added tax (VAT) rate of 15% until the end 2015.
China's State Council, or Cabinet, has approved the scrapping of export tax rebates on 406 products, effective July 15, the Ministry of Finance said. The products included some steel and non-ferrous metals products, fertilizers, as well as some plastic, rubber and glass products.
The World Trade Organization has published its 2010 WTO Annual Report. The report provides a brief summary of the organization and a detailed review of its activities in 2009. It also includes a personal message from the Director-General, who reflects on the events of 2009, the impact of the financial crisis and the challenges that lie ahead.