, which is part of the International Trade Administration, has issued its September 2011 "International Trade Update" newsletter. Topics this month include the MAGIC textile and apparel trade show in Las Vegas, information on the Basics of Exporting, Priority Markets for U.S. Exporters, etc.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is extending the comment period to October 26, 2011 (from September 26) on proposed changes to the Export Credit Guarantee (GSM-102) Program that would clarify program operations and enhance program access for all participants, including smaller U.S. exporters. The proposed rule would revise and amend the regulations at 7 CFR Part 1493 to incorporate operational changes that have been implemented since the publication of the current rule, and include other administrative revisions to enhance clarity and program integrity. These changes should increase GSM-102 program availability to all participants. has announced a series of trade missions that are scheduled for August 2011 through April 2012.
The Bureau of Industry and Security and the People's Republic of China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), in partnership with the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), are announcing the third annual U.S.-China High Technology Working Group (HTWG) Public-Private Sector Dialogue on September 26, 2011 in Washington, D.C. The Working Group was established to facilitate high-technology exports to civilian end-users in China, in accordance with U.S. export control requirements.
Census has recently posted to its Global Reach blog an answer to the question of whether foreign entities can be reported as the U.S. Principal Party in Interest and report Electronic Export Information in the Automated Export System.
At a September 13, 2011 BIS Committee meeting1, a BIS official gave an update on the status of the Administration’s Export Control Reform Initiative. According to BIS, progress continues to be made toward transferring certain items on the USML to the CCL. In addition, the Export Enforcement Coordination Center is expected to become operational in the next couple of months and BIS advisory committees have been asked for feedback on a draft single export license form.
At a September 13, 2011 BIS Committee meeting1, a Census Bureau official discussed the agency's efforts to revise its regulatory proposal for AES Option 4 (aka post-departure filing) and that it expects to be ready to discuss its revised proposal (which is still under development) with CBP officials within the next few weeks.
The State Department has issued a notice detailing and amending the previously announced sanctions it imposed on seven firms (now eight) that were determined to have engaged in sanctionable activities related to Iran’s petroleum sector under Section 5(a) of the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), as amended by the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (CISADA) of 2010.
The Foreign Agricultural Service announced that after 10 years of negotiations, U.S. cherries can now be exported to Western Australia, making cherries the first U.S. fresh fruit to gain access to that market. The market opening positions Australia as the seventh most valuable export market for U.S. cherries.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls reports that the Registration Tab has been redesigned and includes the latest information on registering your company and submitting your payment electronically. Electronic payment for all registrations becomes mandatory on September 26, 2011.