The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued a final rule, effective April 29, 2011, to correct a number of provisions in the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). In particular, the rule corrects the country entry for Syria on the Commerce Country Chart to more clearly identify for exporters the licensing requirements that apply to this destination. In addition, the rule corrects other errors in the Commerce Control List (CCL) such as inaccurate references, spelling and technical errors, and removes superfluous wording to ensure accuracy in the EAR.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has issued release notes for its most recent release of D-Trade2, Version The document provides specific information on the release, including new features/functionality, known software issues/limitations, and previous bug fixes.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the following entity name change for new DDTC license applications. New license applications received after the listed deadline will be considered for return without action for correction to the new name (notice hyperlinked): has announced that registration is available for a number of upcoming export-based webinars.
On April 14, 2011 at the annual U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Trade Symposium, representatives from CBP, Census, and the trade community discussed various developments related to the Administration’s National Export Initiative (NEI) and Export Control Reform Initiative.
The Bureau of Industry and Security is renewing for 180 days the Order Temporarily Denying the Export Privileges of Respondents Orion Air, S.L. and Syrian Pearl Airlines, for Orion's reexport of a BAE 146-300 aircraft to Syria, and specifically to Syrian Pearl Airlines, without the required government authorization. (See ITT's Online Archives or 10/28/10 news, 10102818, for BP summary of BIS' previous renewal of this Order.)
On April 21, 2011, the Justice Department announced that three individuals and two companies were indicted on charges of illegally exporting millions of dollars worth of computer-related equipment from the U.S. to Iran via the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).
The Census Bureau has issued an Automated Export System (AES) broadcast announcing that AES has been updated for the following Port of Export Code changes effective immediately.
The Census Bureau has issued an Automated Export System (AES) broadcast announcing that AES has been updated for the following Port of Export Code changes effective immediately.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued a notice announcing that online “Interest Forms” for registration for its annual Update Conference on Export Controls and Policy on July 19-21, 2011 in Washington, DC are due by May 9, 2011.