On March 11, 2011, the President’s Export Council held its third meeting to discuss a variety of issues related to the Administration’s National Export Initiative. During the meeting, the PEC adopted six sets of recommendations for consideration by the President. USTR Kirk also spoke at the meeting, saying that Congress should move the Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) alone, and not as a package with other FTAs.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued an order denying certain export privileges for a period of two years from February 28, 2011 against Amy Farrow, as the sole proprietor of The Wholesale Discount Store of Bethlehem, PA, for 116 alleged violations of the Export Administration Regulation by exporting stun guns without a license.
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that a federal grand jury has indicted Nadeem Akhtar on charges related to a scheme to illegally export items that are used directly or indirectly in activities related to nuclear reactors and the processing and production of nuclear-related materials.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the following entity name changes for new DDTC license applications. New license applications received after the listed deadline will be considered for return without action for correction to the new name (dates hyperlinked):
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that an order has been issued renewing for 180 days the Order Temporarily Denying the Export Privileges of Mahan Airways and Gatewick LLC aka Gatewick Freight & Cargo Services aka Gatewick Aviation Services.
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that effective March 3, 2011, all licenses issued by BIS for exports or reexports to Libya under the authority of the Export Administration Regulations have been suspended indefinitely and all persons currently holding active licenses have been so notified. No further shipments may be made against licenses for exports or reexports to Libya by any person. (See ITT's Online Archives or 02/28/11 news, 11022702, for BP summary of EO 13566, which, among other things, suspended all existing licenses and other approvals for the export of defense articles and services to Libya.)
This is a reminder that comments are due by March 22, 2011 on the Census Bureau proposed rule to amend the Foreign Trade Regulations (15 CFR Part 30) to modify the post-departure filing program (also referred to as Option 4) by changing the filing time frame to five calendar days (from ten) and only allowing post-departure reporting for certain listed approved type commodities.
Census has issued an Automated Export System (AES) broadcast regarding the suspension of defense exports to Libya.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued an order denying certain export privileges to William Chi-Wai Tsu until August 3, 2019 pursuant to his conviction involving exporting to China Triquint Semiconductor integrated circuits classified as Export Control Classification Number 3A001 without first obtaining a Commerce Department license or written authorization.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued a final rule, effective March 2, 2011, to amend the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by revising the Application Processing, Issuance, and Denial provisions concerning BIS's authority to revise, suspend or revoke licenses.