The Bureau of Industry and Security has posted the following updated schedule for its export control and compliance training outreach efforts: has announced a series of trade missions that are scheduled for the remainder of February through June 2011.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has posted the report, "End-Use Monitoring of Defense Articles and Defense Services Commercial Exports FY 2009," which describes actions taken by the State Department during fiscal year 2009 to implement the “Blue Lantern” end-use monitoring program. The Blue Lantern program monitors the end-use of defense articles and services exported through commercial channels and subject to State Department licenses or other approvals under section 38 of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).
Bureau of Industry and Security Under Secretary Hill gave a speech to the C5 European Forum on Export Controls on February 7, 2011, where he stated that by early 2012, BIS expects the entire U.S. Munitions List (USML) to be turned into a positive list. He also stated that many items deemed to be militarily insignificant (bolts, screws, blankets, etc.) would be moved from the USML to the CCL to distinguish them from items that truly have a military utility and that USML Category VII items for parts and components will likely be moved to Commerce jurisdiction.
The Department of State has issued a proposed rule to amend the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to require the electronic payment of annual registration fees and revise the Statement of Registration (Form DS-2032), which would still be required to be submitted in paper format.
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that the Regulations and Procedures Technical Advisory Committee (RPTAC) will hold a partially open meeting on March 15, 2011. The agenda for the public session includes updates on export enforcement, regulations, and the Automated Export System (AES).
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued a fact sheet reminding the trade that in November 2010, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a revised Form I-129, the Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker. Part 6 of the revised form, which became mandatory February 20, 2011, requires a petitioner seeking H-1B, H-1B1, L-1 or O-1A visas to certify that it has reviewed U.S. export control regulations and determined that: (a) a license is not required to release technology to the beneficiary; or (b) if an export license is required, it will not release controlled technology to the foreign worker until it has received a license or other authorization to do so. (See ITT's Online Archives or 01/27/11 news, 11012720, for BP summary of the revised form.)
The Bureau of Industry and Security has posted remarks by Deputy Under Secretary Hill to the C5 European Forum on Export Controls on February 7, in which he discussed the need for change, reforming the U.S. Munitions List, tiering, and licensing policies. Hill also stated that in the coming months, there will be many more notices in the Federal Register, and BIS will be conducting outreach visits to exporters in the U.S. and end-users around the world, and urged the industry to provide input to make the export initiative as successful as possible.
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that the Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee (ETRAC) will hold a partially open meeting on March 9-10, 2011. The agenda for the open session includes an update on regulatory modernization, an assessment of BIS technical capabilities and resources, a review of methodologies for identifying emerging technologies, etc.
The President's Export Council Subcommittee on Export Administration (PECSEA) will hold an open meeting on March 10, 2011. Among other things, the agenda includes an export control reform update and a presentation of papers or comments by the public. The meeting will be accessible via teleconference to 20 participants on a first come, first serve basis. To join the conference, submit inquiries to Ms. Yvette Springer at no later than March 3, 2011.