The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls announces that registration for its March 17, 2011 in-house seminar is now open. In-house seminars are one-day training events covering export licensing basics and are open to the export community. A registration form is available here.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has posted a reminder that all companies and individuals registered as a broker at any time during calendar year 2010 must submit an annual brokering report to DDTC by January 31, 2011. Guidance on what must be included in the report can be found in 22 CFR 129.9.
The Bureau of Industry and Security's Sensors and Instrumentation Technical Advisory Committees (TAC) held a partially open meeting on January 25, 2011. The agenda for the public session included remarks from BIS Management and industry presentations on four pending notices, two from the Commerce Department and two from the State Department, with February 7 and 8, 2011 comment due dates, respectively.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued a final rule, effective January 25, 2011, which amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) to implement several components of the November 2010 bilateral understanding between the U.S. and India on export control reform, including removing India’s defense and space-related entities from the Entity List, removing India from three country groups and adding it to one country group in the EAR.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the following entity name change for new DDTC license applications. New license applications received after the listed deadline will be considered for return without action for correction to the new name (date hyperlinked): has announced that registration is available for a number of upcoming export-based webinars.
The Census Bureau is requesting comments on a information collection regarding proposed changes to the export reporting requirements under Automated Export System (AES)1.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has opened registration for the sixth annual Export Control Forum on February 28 - March 1, 2011, which will feature key management, policy, legal and licensing specialists from BIS, the Departments of State, Defense and Treasury, and the Bureau of the Census.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has posted the following updated schedule for its export control and compliance training outreach efforts:
The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that the Transportation and Related Equipment Technical Advisory Committee will hold a partially open meeting on February 10, 2011. The agenda for the open session includes a review status of working groups and proposals from the public. The open session will be accessible via teleconference to 20 participants on a first come, first serve basis. Requests are due by February 3, 2011.