The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has updated its table of license processing times to include November 2010. The table includes cases received, cases closed, cases open at the end of the month, and average processing time (in calendar days).
The Office of Management and Budget has approves a Bureau of Industry and Security proposed rule entitled: Export Control Modernization: Strategic Trade Authorization License Exception.
On December 2, 2010, Brian Nilsson, Director, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control at the National Security Council, provided an update on the Administration’s export control reform efforts as part of the National Export Initiative (NEI).
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has announced that Vikramaditya Singh, of Fountain Hills, AZ, the owner of Orion Telecom Networks, Inc., entered a guilty plea on November 23, 2010 for causing and attempting to cause the export of digital microwave radios to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke announced in India earlier this month that he will lead a high-tech trade mission to India on February 6-11, 2011. The application deadline for companies interested in participating in the mission has been extended to Friday, December 3, to encourage more businesses to take advantage of this opportunity.
The Environmental Protection Agency has issued a notice announcing that its Administrator has forwarded to the Secretary of Agriculture a draft proposed rule intended to clarify, restructure, and add specificity to existing labeling regulations for the export of unregistered pesticide products and devices.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the following entity name and/or address change(s) for new DDTC license applications. New license applications received after the listed deadline will be considered for return without action for correction to the new name/address (notices hyperlinked):
The Bureau of Industry and Security has submitted a proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget entitled: "Export Control Modernization: Strategic Trade Authorization License Exception."
In September 2010, the International Trade Administration’s created a new online tool to help small businesses and others evaluate their export readiness through a self-assessment process. Depending on the results of the self-assessment, the site then directs firms to additional government resources to help meet their needs. These include training and counseling, government market research and trade events, creating an export business plan, financing, etc. The online tool is part of President Obama’s National Export Initiative to double U.S. exports over the next five years. has announced that registration is available for a number of upcoming export-based webinars.