The Bureau of Industry and Security announces that the Information Systems Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) will hold a meeting on November 3-4, 2010, with an open session on November 3. The agenda for the public session includes discussions of Fault Tolerant Computer 4.A.3.a. and the Intel Technology Roadmap.
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued an order denying certain export privileges until May 14, 2019 against Alphatronx, Inc. in Florida, in connection with the export of high-tech military and dual-use electronic components through Joseph Piquet without the required export licenses. BIS is also revoking all licenses issued pursuant to the Export Administration Act of 1979 or the EAR in which Alphatronx had an interest at the time of Piquet’s conviction.(See ITT's Online Archives or 03/10/09 news, 09031099 #7, for BP summary of Piquet's conviction notice.)
The Bureau of Industry and Security has issued an order denying certain export privileges until March 25, 2020 against Parto Abgardan Cooling Towers Co. in Iran, in connection with the export of items subject to the Export Administration Regulations through Aqua-Loop Cooling Towers, Co. without the required licenses. (See ITT's Online Archives or 04/05/10 news, 10040599 #11, for BP summary of the denial order issued against Aqua-Loop.)
On September 16, 2010, the President’s Export Council held its first meeting to discuss a variety of issues related to the Administration’s National Export Initiative.
Upon release of the August 2010 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services report by the Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Commerce Secretary Locke stated that the report showed that U.S. exports increased by 0.2 percent to $153.9 billion from their July 2010 level. Imports in August increased 2.1 percent over July to $200.2 billion. U.S. exports so far in 2010 are up nearly 18 percent compared to the same period last year.
On October 6, 2010, the State Department submitted to the Office of Management and Budget a proposed rule for approval entitled: Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Defense Services, Components/Spare Parts, and Incorporated Articles.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the following entity name change for new DDTC license applications. New license applications received after the listed deadline will be considered for return without action for correction to the new name (date hyperlinked):
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls has announced the agenda for the Defense Trade Advisory Group (DTAG) meeting on October 20, 2010, at which DTAG members will present their findings on possible revisions to various US. Munitions List Categories, as follows: 1:30-1:40 - opening remarks by the Assistant Secretary for Political Military Affairs or his designate; 1:40-1:50 - remarks by the DTAG Chair; 1:50-2:00 - defense trade update from the DDTC Managing Director; 2:00-2:45 - review of Category VIII; 3:00-3:45 - review of Category XI; 3:45-4:30 - review of Category XII; and 4:45-5:00 - Concluding Remarks. (See ITT's Online Archives or 09/20/10 news, 10092004, for BP summary of DDTC's announcement of this meeting.)
The Bureau of Industry and Security is issuing correcting amendments to its September 7, 2010 final rule which revised the Export Administration Regulations to implement certain Wassenaar Arrangement 2009 Plenary agreements. BIS is correcting errors in that final rule that affected Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) 6A005, 6A008, and 9A001, as well as the definition of “energetic materials.” In addition, BIS is correcting the preamble, which erroneously identified ECCN 6E993 as one of the ECCNs that was revised in the rule’s text. has announced a series of trade missions that are scheduled for the remainder of 2010 through April 2011.