On May 23, 2012, the Foreign Agricultural Service issued the following GAIN reports:
The Food Safety and Inspection Service issued a directive giving FSIS inspection program personnel (IPP) instructions for verifying an establishment’s intended use of High Pressure Processing (HPP), an antimicrobial treatment for use on meat, poultry and processed egg products without prior-approval from FSIS.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service said the Codex Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL) held its 40th Session on May 15-18, 2012, in Ottawa, Canada, with about 165 representatives from 61 countries. Highlights include:
The Food Safety and Inspection Service announced a public meeting June 5 to provide information and receive public comments on agenda items and draft U.S. positions that will be discussed at the 35th Session of the of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which will be in Rome, Italy, July 2-7, 2012. FSIS is also requesting written comments for the meeting, which may be offered at the meeting or submitted to FSIS in advance.
On May 22, 2012, the Foreign Agricultural Service issued the following GAIN reports:
Food Safety Inspection Service inspection program personnel are to condemn an entire carcass if a sample collected and analyzed under the National Residue Program is positive, and there is no Food and Drug Administration or Environmental Protection Agency established tolerance for the identified residue in muscle, said FSIS in Notice 32-12 issued on May 22, 2012. Inspection program personnel are to condemn the carcass as well as the parts in such circumstances.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service said the Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) established two electronic Working Groups (eWGs) on the alignment of food additive provisions of commodity standards with the relevant provision of the General Standard on Food Additives, and to consider proposals for changes or additions to the International Numbering System. Details follow:
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service issued emails May 22, 2012, announcing changes to some Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) electronic manuals. While some changes are minor, other changes may affect the admissibility of the plant products, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
The Codex Committee on Europe (CCEURO) established an electronic Working Group (eWG) to develop a proposed draft regional standard for Ayran (a fermented yogurt-based beverage), said the Food Safety and Inspection Service. The eWG is led by Turkey. CCEURO Member countries and Codex observer organizations interested in participating should contact the Codex Contact Point for Turkey (nilfer.altunbas@hotmail.com, berkan@panaromaturizm.net and kodeks@tarim.gov.tr).
On May 21, 2012, the Foreign Agricultural Service issued the following GAIN reports: