From March 29 to April 3, 2012, the Foreign Agriculture Service issued the following GAIN reports:
The Food Safety and Inspection Service reports that the Codex Committee on Nutrition & Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CCNSFDU) released a report on the review of existing daily vitamin and mineral intake reference values, requested by the 33rd CCNFSDU session (Germany, November 2011), available here. FSIS also reports that the detailed monographs on the food additives and contaminants evaluated at the 74th meeting of the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECSA) are now available here.
The Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration (GIPSA) is requesting comments by June 11, 2012, on its proposed rule that would revise the U.S. Standards for Wheat under the U.S. Grain Standards Act (USGSA) to (i) change the definition of Contrasting classes (CCL) in Hard White wheat and (ii) change the grade limits for shrunken and broken kernels (SHBN).
The Foreign Agriculture Service released the following Production, Markets and Trade Reports on April 10, 2012:
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service issued emails April 11, 2012, announcing changes to some Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) electronic manuals. While some changes are minor, other changes may affect the admissibility of the plant products, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service reports that the Regional Committee on Europe is requesting comments by July 20, 2012, on the proposed regional standard for the fresh fungus chanterelle. Details follow:
From March 26 to March 28, 2012, the Foreign Agriculture Service issued the following GAIN reports:
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service issued emails April 9, 2012, announcing changes to some Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) electronic manuals. While some changes are minor, other changes may affect the admissibility of the plant products, including fruits, vegetables, and flowers.
The Food Safety and Inspection Service said the Regional Committee on North America & South West Pacific (CCNASWP) is requesting comments by June 22, 2012, on national food control systems, consumer participation in food standards setting, and the use of Codex standards at the national level. Details follow:
The Farm Service Agency issued a notice specifying the fee schedule, effective April 4, 2012, for the new Export Food Aid Commodities (EFAC) licensing agreement offered by the FSA under the U.S. Warehouse Act (USWA). Agricultural products that may be stored under an EFAC licensing agreement include, but are not limited to, corn soy blend, vegetable oil, and pulses such as peas, beans, and lentils.