The US-China Business Council says Piper Lounsbury Stover will return to USCBC as vice president-China, effective Jan. 1.
Southwest Airlines Chairman Gary Kelly was elected to a two-year term as chairman of the A4A board. United Airlines CEO Jeffery Smisek was elected vice chairman.
John Bakane, National Council of Textile Organizations executive committee member and CEO of Frontier Spinning Mills, was named to the advisory committee of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
The Manatee County Port Authority elected member Carol Whitmore as 2013 chairman. Other MCPA officers are: John Chappie, first vice chairman; Michael Gallen, second vice chairman; and Vanessa Baugh, third vice chairman.
Port of Corpus Christi Commissioners promoted Frank Brogan to managing director, effective immediately.
New at Airlines for America: Keith Glatz, ex-Department of Transportation, as vice president-international affairs; Katie Connell, ex-Gannett and Delta, as managing director-airline industry public relations and communications.
Dechert hired Jeremy Zucker as a partner in the law firm's international trade practice in Washington, the firm said. Zucker previously worked at Hogan Lovells.
Stephanie Tsacoumis, ex-Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., named General Counsel for Consumer Product Safety Commission, effective Dec. 10.
Ed Rapp, group president and CFO of Caterpillar Inc., joins the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council.
Germain Thibault, co-founder and director general of the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie, appointed to the Montreal Port Authority for a three-year term.