CBP has posted a document listing the Remote Location Filing operational locations. The list includes the port name, port code, the Electronic Invoice Program (EIP)/RLF coordinator, the phone number (and extension, if applicable), and the fax number for each location. (List, posted 05/13/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/trade_programs/remote_location_filing/rlf_coordinator_list.ctt/rlf_coordinator_list.xls)
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
CBP's Port of Miami has issued an Information Bulletin announcing that it will hold an outreach seminar concerning safeguarding procedures of regulated agricultural commodities transiting the U.S. The seminar will be held on June 9, 2010. (Miami Bulletin #10-018, dated 05/13/10 available via email by sending a request to documents@brokerpower.com)
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
CBP has issued a CSMS message announcing that entries can now be filed via RLF at the following ports of entry: Piegan, MT (3316), Del Bonita, MT (3322), and Whitlash, MT (3321). To add these ports, filers should contact their client representative. (CSMS #10-000122, dated 05/14/10, available at http://apps.cbp.gov/csms/viewmssg.asp?Recid=17905&page=&srch_argv=&srchtype=&btype=&sortby=&sby)
CBP has posted an updated version of its Excel spreadsheet providing details on ACE programming issues. The spreadsheet includes the issue number, date opened, description, status, scheduled delivery date, and comments. (Spreadsheet, posted 05/12/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/automated/modernization/programming_issues.ctt/programming_issues.xls)
CBP has posted an updated version of its TRQ/TPL "threshold to fill" list, a quick reference to monitor TRQs and TPLs that are approaching the restraint limit or have filled the in-quota (low) rate. The list is divided into two sections those that are at least 85% filled and those that are closed. (List, updated 05/13/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/trade_programs/textiles_and_quotas/commodity/trq_thresh_fill.ctt/trq_thresh_fill.pdf)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a CSMS message which announces that effective immediately, Electronic Invoice Program/Remote Location Filing (EIP/RLF) entry filers are no longer required to indicate in the electronic invoice transmission that a textile country of origin declaration is on file and readily available to CBP upon request.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a revised version of its informed compliance publication entitled, What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Footwear.
CBP has posted an April 2010 version of its informed compliance publication entitled "What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Decorative Glassware." The ICP has been reviewed with no changes. (ICP, posted 05/12/10, available at http://www.cbp.gov/linkhandler/cgov/trade/legal/informed_compliance_pubs/icp068.ctt/icp068.pdf)