U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued its weekly tariff rate quota and tariff preference level commodity report as of April 23.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection sent a reminder that on September 29, 2012, ACS/AMS EDI Ocean Manifest functionality will be transitioned to ACE as part of the ACE eManifest: Rail and Sea Deployment. When this transition takes place, filers will no longer be able transmit or receive data via ACS/AMS, said CBP. Programming changes to comply with the modified record formats must be made in order to continue filing manifests electronically pursuant to the Trade Act of 2002, it said.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection posted an Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) user guide on e-Manifest: Trucks. It provides an introduction to this capability in ACE and information on how to store account information in the ACE, how to add drivers to an account, submitting an e-Manifest, in-bond shipment information, etc.
CBP has posted the U.S. Border Patrol Weekly Blotter for June 3-9, 2010. The Blotter provides information on Border Patrol activities during the specified week.
CBP has posted instructions on how to reset ACE Secure Data Portal passwords.
An overview of a recent antidumping and countervailing duty message posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
CBP has posted the following presentations that it gave during recent trade outreach webinars:
U.S. Customs and Border Protection will hold the second annual Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Northern Border Highway Carrier Conference in Niagara Falls, NY on August 31 -- September 1, 2010.
CBP has issued the following news releases:
CBP has posted an updated version of its CF 1400 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Entrances) - an electronic query report for CF 1400 of the Vessel Management System (VMS), in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by entrances. CBP has also posted an updated CF 1401 (Record of Vessel in Foreign Trade Clearances) - an electronic query report for CF 1401 of the VMS, in accordance with 19 CFR 4.95, organized by clearances.