- The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN list:
- ABD EL-RAHMAN, Suhayl Salim (a.k.a. ABDURAHAMAN, Suhayl; a.k.a. AL-SUDANI, Abu Faris; a.k.a. FARIS, Abu; a.k.a. MUHAMMAD, Sahib; a.k.a. MUHAMMAD, Suhayl Salim; a.k.a. SALIM, Suhayl; a.k.a. UL-ABIDEEN, Zain; a.k.a. ZAYN, Haytham; a.k.a. "SABA"; a.k.a. "SANA"; a.k.a. "SUNDUS"); DOB 17 Jun 1984; alt. DOB 1990; POB Rabak, Sudan; Passport C0004350; Personal ID Card A00710804 (individual) [SOMALIA].
- AHMED, Abubaker Shariff (a.k.a. AHMED, Abubakar; a.k.a. AHMED, Abubaker Shariff; a.k.a. AHMED, Sheikh Abubakar; a.k.a. MAKABURI; a.k.a. SHARIFF, Abu Makaburi; a.k.a. SHARIFF, Abubaker), Majengo Area, Mombasa, Kenya; DOB 1962; alt. DOB 1967; POB Kenya; citizen Kenya (individual) [SOMALIA].
- GOITOM, Taeme Abraham (a.k.a. GEBREDENGEL, Simon; a.k.a. GOITOM, Te'ame; a.k.a. SELASSIE, Ta'ame Abraham; a.k.a. SELASSIE, Te'ame Abraha; a.k.a. SELASSIE, Te'ame Abraham; a.k.a. TA'AME, Abraham Selassie; a.k.a. "DA'AME"; a.k.a. "DHA'AME"; a.k.a. "GAAMEI"; a.k.a. "MEKELE"; a.k.a. "MEKELLE"; a.k.a. "MEQELE"; a.k.a. "TESFALEN"; a.k.a. "TSEGAI"); DOB 1957; alt. DOB 1956; POB Akale Guzay (Shemejena); Diplomatic Passport Laissez-Passer 02154; Colonel; Head of Eritrean External Intelligence Operation; Brigadier General (individual) [SOMALIA].
- MOHAMMED, Aboud Rogo (a.k.a. MOHAMED, Aboud Rogo; a.k.a. MUHAMMAD, Aboud Rogo; a.k.a. ROGO, Aboud Mohammad; a.k.a. ROGO, Aboud Mohammed; a.k.a. ROGO, Aboud Seif; a.k.a. ROGO, Sheikh Aboud); DOB 11 Nov 1960; alt. DOB 11 Nov 1967; alt. DOB 11 Nov 1969; alt. DOB 01 Jan 1969; POB Kenya; alt. POB Lamu Island, Kenya; citizen Kenya (individual) [SOMALIA].
- NEGASH, Tewolde Habte (a.k.a. KIDANE, Amanuel; a.k.a. MEHAREN, Senay Beraki; a.k.a. MUSA, Abdirahim; a.k.a. MUSA, Abdirahman; a.k.a. MUSE, Abdirahim; a.k.a. MUSE, Abdirahman; a.k.a. NAGASH, Tewaled Holde; a.k.a. NAGESH, Tewaled Holde; a.k.a. NEGASH, Bitewelde Habte; a.k.a. NEGASH, Emanuel; a.k.a. NEGASH, Ole; a.k.a. NEGASH, Tewelde Habte; a.k.a. NEGASH, Tewold Habte; a.k.a. "DESTA"; a.k.a. "WEDI"); DOB 05 Sep 1960; POB Asmara, Eritrea; Diplomatic Passport D0001060; alt. Diplomatic Passport D000080; Colonel (individual) [SOMALIA].
- OMAR, Omar Awadh (a.k.a. AWADH, Omar; a.k.a. SAHAL, Omar); DOB 20 Sep 1973; POB Mombasa, Kenya; Passport A764712 (Kenya) expires 27 Mar 2013; alt. Passport B002271 (Kenya); alt. Passport KE007776 expires Aug 2009; Possibly Located in Kenya (individual) [SOMALIA].
The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN list:
The deadline for comments on the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s proposal to amend the rules on standards of identity for distilled spirits to include "Cachaça" as a type of rum and as a distinctive product of Brazil was extended to July 9, 2012, it said in a Federal Register notice.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury Department is seeking comment on a revision to the OFAC's Electronic License Application Form TD-F 90-22.54. relating to release of blocked funds under transaction prohibited under the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 1-44 and other laws. Comments are due August 27.
The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN list:
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau adopted as final, with some changes, temporary tobacco regulations made pursuant to the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009. These regulations include permit and related requirements for manufacturers and importers of processed tobacco, requirements for manufacturers of tobacco products who also manufacture processed tobacco, and regulations related to the expansion of the definition of roll-your-own tobacco, said TTB. As the temporary rule’s requirements have already been in place for three years, this rule is effective immediately on June 21, it said.
The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN list:
The National Bank of Abu Dhabi agreed to remit $855,000 to settle potential civil liability for 45 transactions that appear to have violated the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. part 538, said Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Controls. The apparent violations occurred from about Nov. 11, 2004, to about Dec. 27, 2005, OFAC said. NBAD provided information to OFAC that certain of its clerical staff removed or omitted Sudan-related references in payment instructions processed on behalf of its Sudan branch for payments routed through financial institutions located in the U.S. in apparent violation of the prohibition against the "exportation or re-exportation, directly or indirectly, to Sudan," OFAC said. The combined value of the 45 electronic funds transfers was $4,389,235.42, it said. OFAC decided the apparent violations constituted a non-egregious case because NBAD took prompt and appropriate remedial action, provided substantial cooperation, and has not received a penalty notice or finding of violation in the five years preceding the transactions.
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control launched a new, internal Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons List production system, it said. It's designed to emulate existing SDN data formats, so the transition should be relatively transparent to the public, OFAC said, but some long-standing minor problems with the data formats were corrected. It said users of the emulated SDN data will see some changes to records that are administrative only.
The Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control has a $619 million settlement with ING Bank to settle potential liability for apparent violations of U.S. sanctions, it said. That makes it the largest OFAC settlement of any kind to date, and resolves OFAC's investigation into ING Bank's intentional manipulation and deletion of information about U.S.-sanctioned parties in more than 20,000 financial and trade transactions routed through third-party banks located in the U.S. between 2002 and 2007, OFAC said.