July 1 Basic Guide to Exporting: Satisfying Int'l Product Certification Requirements webinar -- Doug.Barry@trade.gov
June 19 Food and Drug Administration public meeting in Washington, D.C., on its plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory capacity of countries that export food to the U.S. -- www.fda.gov/Food/NewsEvents/WorkshopsMeetingsConferences/default.htm
June 10-12 International Air Transport Association annual general meeting, Beijing, China -- http://www.iata.org/events/agm/2012/Pages/index.aspx
May 31-June 3 IFFCBANO Conference, "Capturing the Tide Understanding and Capitalizing on the Cycles in the International Marketplace," Marriott Grand Hotel, Point Clear, AL -- www.iffcbano.org/conference.htm
May 31-June 3 IFFCBANO Conference, "Capturing the Tide Understanding and Capitalizing on the Cycles in the International Marketplace," Marriott Grand Hotel, Point Clear, AL -- www.iffcbano.org/conference.htm
May 22 U.S.-China Business Council panel on Current Issues in US-China Trade, 8:30 am, Davis Wright Tremaine, Seattle, WA -- https://www.uschina.org/info/programs/
May 13-16 Congress and Expo of the Federation of Freight Forwarders, Logistics Operators and Cargo Agents of Latin America and the Caribbean (ALACAT), Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio -- http://www.alacat2012.org/