The news service reports that China increased its holdings of U.S. Treasury debt for the first time in six months - a trend analysts said could last as the dollar is expected to continue its strong rise. Xinhua, another press source, stated that chances of an early revaluation of the renminbi look unlikely and could happen much later than expected, experts state.
In the May 20, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notices were posted:
The California Air Resources Board approved changes to an existing $28 million statewide Voucher Incentive Program that will significantly help more California independent truckers qualify for the purchase of a cleaner-running vehicle. reports that senior officials from China and the United States will hold a new round of dialogue on strategic and economic issues in Beijing next week. Vice Premier Wang Qishan and State Councilor Dai Bingguo, will co-chair the meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. (Notice, dated 05/18/10, available at
In the May 19, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related notice was posted:
The European Commission has posted a final report on the economic impact of the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Korea for goods, services and foreign direct investment. It complements the trade sustainability impact assessment of the EU-Korea FTA which was finalized in October 2008. (Report, dated May 2010, available at
The European Union announced a range of trade deals on the table at the recent EU, Latin America and Caribbean Summit. Leaders are considering re-launch of negotiations for an EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement and concluding a trade agreement between the EU, Peru and Colombia. The leaders endorsed concluding negotiations between the EU and Central America. (Press release, dated 05/18/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has circulated a communication from the panel examining "China - Measures Related to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials" brought by the U.S. (DS394), European Union (DS395) and Mexico (DS398). The panel has issued a preliminary, partial determination on its terms of reference in the dispute. (Document - may have to attempt to open twice for proper viewing, posted 05/18/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has circulated questions by Japan regarding the local content provisions of Ontario, Canada's "Feed-In Tariff" program meant to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources. Among other things, Japan asks how the local content requirements can be considered consistent with Canada's WTO obligations. (Document - may have to attempt to open twice for proper viewing, posted 05/18/10, available at
On May 14, 2010, Canada's Minister of International Trade Van Loan and Panama’s Minister of Commerce and Industry Henríquez signed the Canada-Panama Free Trade Agreement and parallel agreements on labor cooperation and the environment. (Release No. 163, dated 05/14/10, available at )