The Port of Los Angeles is pursuing plans to become the world’s first port to offer a reduced tariff for zero-emission vehicles imported into the U.S. through the Port. (News release, dated 05/04/10, available at
The World Trade Organization's General Council has agreed to establish a working party to examine the request of the Syrian Arab Republic for WTO membership. Syria welcomed the decision as part of WTO’s efforts “to promote international cooperation for trade and development”. (Notice, dated 05/04/10, available at
World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy, in his report to the General Council, cited the following “ingredients” in the Doha Round process: meetings organized by the chairs of the different negotiating groups; preliminary contacts between trade ministers; and his own consultations with delegations on general issues. Members must start shaking the ingredients “before the ice melts,” he quipped. (Notice, dated 05/04/10, available at
Canada's Border Service Agency has announced that the NEXUS program has reached the 400,000th member mark. NEXUS is available at all major Canadian airports, at 17 land border crossings and at over 430 marine ports of entry. It is a joint program of CBSA and U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and is designed to simplify border crossings for pre-approved travelers while enhancing security. (News release, dated 04/30/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has issued its Trade Policy Review for Albania. Among other things, the review states that Albania has maintained an ambitious program of economic, legal and institutional reform, largely driven by WTO Membership and its desire to join the EU. In so doing, it has continued to engage in a remarkable process of transformation from a closed, centrally-planned economy to one that is liberal, market-oriented and private-sector driven. (Press release, dated 04/28/10, available at
The World Trade Organization has posted a dataset of services commitments in preferential trade agreements. The dataset details the level of services commitments by WTO members in PTAs. Data is provided for 37 members (counting the European Union as one) in 40 PTAs. (Dataset, posted 05/04/10, available at
The Port of Long Beach is inviting the public to a meeting on May 6, 2010 to learn about and comment on plans by the Port of Long Beach, Port of Los Angeles and regional air quality authorities to apply for statewide transportation grants to reduce air pollution. (Notice, posted 05/03/10, available at
The Canadian Border Services Agency has issued an updated version of its D-Memorandum on Settler's Effects Tariff Item No. 9807.00.00 (D2-2-1). This memorandum outlines and explains the conditions under which a settler may import goods into Canada for personal or household use without the payment of duties. (dated 05/04/10, available at
The Canada Border Services Agency has issued information on it's alternative System Outage Contingency Plan -- Highway Mode (optional) which took effect November 30, 2009. This alternative method for highway does not replace the existing contingency plan (i.e., reverting to a paper release on minimum documentation (RMD) process). (02/10 Fact Sheet available at
Canada's Department of the Environment and Department of Health are proposing to add the following toxic substances to Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: “Michler’s ketone”; “butanone oxime”; and “n-butyl glycidyl ether.” Comments are due in 60 days from May 1, 2010 (Canada Gazette, dated 05/01/10, available at