reports that China will invite 100,000 U.S. nationals (e.g. students, teachers) to study Chinese over the coming four years, according to Zhang Xiuqin, director of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education. The exchange program agreement was reached at the second round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED). reports that experts from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan are busy preparing for their third meeting on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) designed to boost cross-Strait business, a mainland official said. The early harvest program under the ECFA, which lists the first products and services to enjoy duty reduction and market opening, is just the first step, he stated.
Canada has issued the 2010 list of companies that hold quota for broiler hatching eggs & chicks.
In the May 26, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related Commission Regulations were posted:
Transport Canada has announced a new Air Cargo Security Program to be phased in and fully implemented by 2015. The program will build on the more rigorous screening requirements that were initiated in 2009-2010 and is to be fully compatible with U.S. cargo screening requirements.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a notice to (1) inform importers of the Minister’s policies on administering the 3,198,000 kilogram tariff rate quota for powdered whey, and (2) invite applications for quota shares of this whey TRQ level that are available for August 1, 2010 to July 31, 2011.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada is announcing that the 2010-2011 tariff rate quota for frozen pork from the European Union will be accessible on July 5, 2010, at 12:00 noon (EDT). Any applications submitted prior to that date and time will be rejected. Information on the issuance of import permits for this TRQ available here.
The Government of Canada is proposing to update the Canadian safety standards for Anchorages of Seats and Seat Belt Anchorages, as well as amend the definitions of designated seating position and designated seating capacity. These proposals will improve safety and harmonized motor vehicle regulations among the NAFTA parties.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a notice to (1) inform importers of the Minister’s policies on administering the 3,394,000 kilogram tariff rate quota for specialty creams, and (2) to invite applications for quota shares of this cream TRQ available for August 1, 2010 to July 31, 2011.
China's Ministry of Commerce reports that the State Post Bureau of China has granted international express service business licenses to 18 express enterprises including United Parcel Service, Inc. This brings the total number of State Post (27) and municipal (99) postal administration express service business licenses to 126 to date.