China's Ministry of Commerce reports that the State Post Bureau of China has granted international express service business licenses to 18 express enterprises including United Parcel Service, Inc. This brings the total number of State Post (27) and municipal (99) postal administration express service business licenses to 126 to date.
Transport Canada has announced a new Air Cargo Security Program to be phased in and fully implemented by 2015. The program will build on the more rigorous screening requirements that were initiated in 2009-2010 and is to be fully compatible with U.S. cargo screening requirements.
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has a web page devoted to current and pending Free Trade Agreements, negotiations, Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection (FIPAS) agreements, and other types of agreements. The text of Canada's FTA and other agreements, as well as information on negotiations, is available from this site.
In the May 26, 2010 edition of the Official Journal of the European Union, the following trade-related Commission Regulations were posted:
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada has issued a notice to (1) inform importers of the Minister’s policies on administering the 3,394,000 kilogram tariff rate quota for specialty creams, and (2) to invite applications for quota shares of this cream TRQ available for August 1, 2010 to July 31, 2011.
The U.S. and India will hold the first meeting of a U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue from June 1-4, 2010. Senior delegations from both governments will discuss a range of issues including agriculture, energy, education, trade, and counterterrorism. The delegations will also hold in-depth discussions on global and regional issues. reports that the Chinese Foreign Ministry refuted criticism by the U.S. Congressional International Anti-Piracy Caucus that Canada, China, Mexico, Russia and Spain were failing to crack down on the piracy of copyrighted films, music, video games and other entertainment products. It said the Chinese government attached great importance to IPR protection and has embedded it into its national strategy.
China's Ministry of Commerce reports that Chongqing Cuntan port and Canadian central port inked an agreement in Shanghai on May 18 to bolster the expanding of trade and investment of the two countries. Based on the agreement, these inland ports will cooperate in information exchange, strategic partnership and technology sharing.
A five-day conference on fish conservation opened at United Nations Headquarters in New York on May 24, 2010, amid warnings that three quarters of the world’s fish stocks are in distress and nearing depletion. The conference is reviewing implementation of the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, and will provide an opportunity for countries to consider new measures to tighten implementation of the legal regime.
The European Council has called on the European Commission to present proposals to revise EC trademark regulations. Among other things, the revisions should establish a clear legal basis for the involvement of EC level institutions in enforcement-related activities, including the fight against counterfeiting.