CBP has issued a Unified Business Resumption Messaging message providing an update on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. According to CBP, Pensacola Pass will be closed to vessel traffic during flood tide. In addition, navigation will be restricted in Biloxi Bay near the southeastern portion of Deer Island and will be closed during flood tide and open during ebb. All other waterways are currently open with no restrictions
CBP's Office of Information and Technology has posted an updated list of companies/persons offering ABI data processing services to the trade community.
CBP has issued the following news releases:
CBP has issued a memorandum announcing a special import quota of 14,717,826 kg for upland cotton that is provided for in HTS Chapter 99, Subchapter III, U.S. Note 6 and is entered under HTS 9903.52.100. (CBP notes that this quantity is not subject to the TRQs in Chapter 52 Additional U.S. Notes 5 through 10.)
CBP's Port of New York has issued an Informational Pipeline announcing that as of August 16, 2010, the New York Field Office has instituted a program to streamline coverage of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule between the ports of JFK and New York/Newark. The program has been successfully piloted since March 11, 2010. See Pipeline for details of the commodity coverage and contact names and phone numbers. Pipeline 10-004-NYFO (dated 08/18/10) available via email by sending a request to documents@brokerpower.com.
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
CBP has issued a CSMS message announcing recent changes to the 2010 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HS Update No. 1004). This update contains 2670 ABI records and 664 harmonized tariff records.
CBP has posted the U.S. Border Patrol Weekly Blotter for August 12-18, 2010. The Blotter provides information on Border Patrol activities during the specified week.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued notices stating that it has accredited and approved the following companies as a commercial gauger and/or laboratory for petroleum and petroleum products, organic chemicals and vegetable oils, and to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes, in accordance with 19 CFR 151.12 and 151.13, on the effective dates listed (see individual notice for dates of next triennial inspections):
CBP's Port of Miami has issued an Information Bulletin notifying the trade community of the temporary change in the hours of service rendered by CBP at the Cargo Control Center in Miami, FL for Monday, September 6, 2010 (Labor Day). The hours of operation will be 0600 hours to 2000 hours. Bulletin 10-024 available via email by sending a request to documents@brokerpower.com.