CBP has posted an updated version of its ABI Error Message Dictionary, a table containing detailed explanations of the error messages that are generated when a filer's transmission is rejected by ABI.
CBP has issued a Unified Business Resumption Messaging message providing an update on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. According to CBP, Pensacola Pass will be closed to vessel traffic during flood tide. In addition, navigation will be restricted in Biloxi Bay near the southeastern portion of Deer Island and will be closed during flood tide and open during ebb. All other waterways are currently open with no restrictions
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a notice stating that it has accredited and approved the following company as a commercial gauger and/or laboratory for petroleum and petroleum products, organic chemicals and vegetable oils, and to test petroleum and petroleum products for customs purposes, in accordance with 19 CFR 151.12 and 151.13, on the effective date listed (see individual notice for date of next triennial inspection):
CBP's Port of Boston has issued a Public Information Notice stating that there has been a noticeable increase in the number of requests for cancellation and deletion of entries filed in the Port of Boston. A review of cancellation and deletion requests conducted by the Entry Unit has revealed numerous errors in the requests being filed with CBP. The PIN provides guidelines that should be followed for all cancellation/deletion requests submitted to the Port of Boston. PIN FY10-08 (dated 07/21/10) is avaliable via email by sending a request to documents@brokerpower.com.
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)
CBP has posted an updated version of its frequently asked questions document about the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). Topics covered include:
CBP has posted a revised version of its informed compliance publication entitled, "What Every Member of the Trade Community Should Know About: Footwear." (See future issue of ITT for details on changes made.)
Broker Power is now issuing weekly summary reports highlighting the most active textile and apparel tariff preference levels1 from U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s “Quota Weekly Commodity Status Report.” BP’s weekly report also lists the TRQ commodities on CBP’s weekly “TRQ/TPL Threshold to Fill List.”
An overview of a number of recent antidumping and countervailing duty messages posted to CBP's Web site, along with the case number(s), period covered, and CBP message number, is provided below. (Note that the complete message is only available at http://addcvd.cbp.gov.)