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EAPA Case 7902: Global Natural Ingredients, LLC (Notice of Initiation of Investigation and Interim Measures, June 17, 2024)

EAPA Action: Notice of Initiation and Interim Measures for EAPA Case 7902 – Xanthan Gum from China 

WASHINGTON— On June 17, 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued the notice of initiation of investigation and interim measures for EAPA case 7902, filed by CP Kelco U.S., Inc. against Global Natural Ingredients, LLC (“Global Natural Ingredients”), for evasion of the applicable AD order A-570-985 on xanthan gum from China. Specifically, the allegation suggested that Global Natural Ingredients imported China-origin xanthan gum into the United States that had been transshipped through India, but at the time of entry declared them as non-covered merchandise and failed to pay the required cash deposits associated with the aforementioned AD order. CBP has determined that there is reasonable suspicion of evasion of AD/CVD duties by Global Natural Ingredients. 

In light of CBP’s findings, CBP will:

  • Require “live” entry for imports of xanthan gum by Global Natural Ingredients, meaning the importer must submit proper import documentation and duties prior to release of the merchandise; 
  • Suspend or extend Global Natural Ingredients’s entries without final computation or determination of duties (liquidation), as appropriate; and 
  • Review Global Natural Ingredients’s continuous bonds and require single transaction bonds for its entries, as appropriate. 

These actions do not preclude CBP from taking additional enforcement measures as it determines appropriate under its EAPA or other legal authorities, which include pursuing civil penalties or investigations into criminal violations. 

For additional information on CBP and EAPA, please visit the EAPA Homepage. If you suspect an importer of duty evasion, CBP encourages you to submit an allegation through our online portal. 

Follow CBP Office of Trade on Twitter @CBPTradeGov. 

Last Modified: Jun 24, 2024

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