U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a 12-page memorandum containing its instructions on the filing and substantiation of claims for preferential tariff treatment made under the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (UCFTA).
(a) The ITA states that La Pointe & Roy, as both producer and exporter, has a de minimis CV rate of 0.08%. As a result, suspension of liquidation continues, but at a CV cash deposit rate of zero.
(a) Hang Lung and Bee Lian have preliminary de minimis rates of 0.12% (Hang Lung) and 0.14% (Bee Lian). As a result, liquidation is not suspended for these companies nor are cash deposits or the posting of a bond required for AD purposes.
The International Trade Administration (ITA) is amending its antidumping (AD) duty order, as well as its final and amended final affirmative AD duty determinations, on bulk aspirin from China as there is now a final court decision regarding this investigation.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has published a final rule which amends the Customs Regulations effective January 5, 2004 regarding the advance electronic presentation of information pertaining to cargo (sea, air, rail, or truck) prior to its being brought into, or sent from, the U.S. (See final rule for compliance dates for each transportation mode.)
On December 30, 2003, President Bush issued Proclamation 7747 in order to implement the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (SFTA). (See ITT's Online Archives or 12/31/03 news, 03123105, for BP summary announcing the issuance of Proclamation 7747.)
On December 30, 2003, President Bush issued Proclamation 7746 in order to implement the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (UCFTA). (See ITT's Online Archives or 12/31/03 news, 03123105, for BP summary announcing the issuance of Proclamation 7746.)