CBP issued the following releases on commercial trade and related matters:
CBP issued an Enforce and Protect Act determination, finding Guy and O'Neill Inc. (GON) evaded antidumping duties by transshipping xanthan gum from China through Israel, according to a recent agency release.
Virginia's and Maryland's senators, along with members of Congress from both states, asked President Joe Biden to direct the International Trade Commission to open a Section 201 investigation on harm to the Chesapeake Bay fisheries from a surge of crab meat imports from Venezuela.
If a reelected President Donald Trump uses the existing Section 301 tariffs program to hike tariffs on all Chinese goods by at least 60%, that's likely to survive a court challenge, said two law professors who spoke during a Washington International Trade Association webinar on the executive branch's ability to make deals and impose trade restrictions without congressional say-so.
The Commerce Department is amending the published final results of an antidumping duty administrative review on certain quartz surface products from India (A-533-889), based on a settlement reached Oct. 16 in a court case challenging those final results. Commerce calculated revised AD rates for the mandatory respondents, led by the Antique Group of companies, and for certain exporters that were not selected for individual examination. The new rates are applicable Oct. 23.
The Commerce Department is amending the final results of an antidumping duty administrative review on wood mouldings and millwork products from China (A-570-117) to correct a ministerial error in its calculation for the AD rate for entries of subject merchandise from one of the mandatory respondents in the review, Jinquan/Baiyuan -- consisting of Fujian Jinquan Trade Co., Ltd. and Baiyuan Wood Machining Co., Ltd. -- during the period Feb. 1, 2022, through Jan. 31, 2023.
The National Marine Fisheries Service has updated the Harmonized Tariff Schedule codes subject to Certification of Admissibility requirements from Mexico to align the codes with the International Trade Commission's 2024 revision to the tariff schedule, according to an Oct. 23 cargo systems message.
Because China makes 90% of anode and cathode materials, and dominates processing of critical minerals, no matter where they are mined, recent hikes in tariffs on Chinese minerals will do little, trade experts agreed.
Decoupling between the U.S. and China in the most technologically advanced products is real, economists said at an Oct. 21 Peterson Institute for International Economics event, but trade overall between the two countries continues to grow, if more slowly than trade with other partners.
Officials from Squire Patton Boggs said that if Donald Trump returns to the presidency, a 10% tariff or higher on a vast swath of imports could come very quickly, but what wouldn't be subject to the tariffs is not yet clear.