CBP's Air Cargo Advanced Screening security filings will have additional codes to be completed by filers responsible for air cargo shipments originating from outside the U.S., starting in early September.
CBP recently issued a final affirmative evasion finding in its Enforce and Protect Act investigation on New Orleans-based Musa Stone Import's and King’s Marble & Granite's alleged evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties stemming from transshipping Chinese-origin quartz surface products through Thailand and the Philippines.
Sayari analysts, who say their company crunches 600 million shipment records, say that the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act has had more impact than British, German, Swiss, Canadian and French laws aimed at removing human rights abuses from supply chains.
Canada will soon impose a 100% import tariff on all Chinese-made electric vehicles and a 25% tariff on certain Chinese steel and aluminum products, moves that will protect its auto industry from what it said are Beijing’s “unfair, non-market policies and practices.”
The Commerce Department is amending final results of the countervailing duty administrative review on narrow woven ribbons with woven selvedge from China (C-570-953) originally published July 28, 2021, to align with the final decision in a court case that challenged a rate in those results.
The Office of Foreign Assets Control issued two new general licenses Aug. 23 that authorize imports of Russian diamonds and diamond jewelry that were located outside the country when a current ban on imports of such goods took effect.
Princeton University professor Aaron Friedberg, who serves on the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, says his recent Foreign Affairs essay on addressing Chinese exporting ambitions is an effort to put forward a vision of what "we want the global economy to actually look like," something he says has been missing in the piecemeal efforts of Section 301 tariffs, EU trade defenses and anti-coercion instruments and other reactions to Chinese nonmarket overcapacity.
As uncertainties loom over when the work stoppage at two of Canada's major freight railways will be resolved, CBP officials told the trade community to keep communication lines open with receiving ports so that CBP staff at the port are able to handle any diverted cargo.
CBP has launched an investigation under the Enforce and Protect Act (EAPA) on Thompson Aluminum Casting Company Inc.’s alleged evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties by importing magnesium metal from China via Turkey.
The Commerce Department is amending the final results of an antidumping duty administrative review on xanthan gum from China (A-570-985) to align its revised results with the final decision in a court case that challenged rate calculations in those results. In that review, covering subject merchandise entered July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, one company, Neimenggu Fufeng Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. and several affiliates, was given a zero percent AD rate, and three other companies were given rates above de minimis.