The U.K. must reassess whether it should investigate cotton imports from China suspected of being made with forced labor after an appellate court ruled last month that the country’s National Crime Agency wrongly decided against opening the probe.
CBP rejected children’s product manufacturer Summer Infant’s claims that its Learn-to-Sit booster seats should be classified as traditional booster seats. As a result, the Learn-to-Sit booster seats are subject to Section 301 duties, according to a recent ruling released by CBP June 14.
A request South Korea made in 2018 to be able to export yarns (5403.39 or 5108), viscose rayon staple fibers (5504.10 or 5507.00), and knitted or crocheted parts of garments or accessories (6117) under the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement that aren't originating under the rules of origin will be fulfilled Aug. 1. The comment period (see 1810160047), International Trade Commission study (see 1903130033) and U.S. consultation and layover process took two years. Then it took South Korea nearly four years to modify its own rules of origin so that U.S. producers could also export the same goods under the same rules. The changes were made because there is no commercial availability of these products in South Korea.
The following lawsuits were filed at the Court of International Trade during the weeks of June 10-16, 17-23 and 24-30:
Changes to the USMCA rules of origin (ROOs) have "had a positive economic impact on the U.S. and North American auto industry, although with some challenges in implementation and new challenges emerging," according to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. The USTR report to Congress, mandated by Congress when NAFTA was rewritten, noted that carmakers "are still adjusting to the full scope of USMCA’s autos rules," with 13 entities given extended time to meet the stricter rules, at least for some models.
CBP has ruled that Taiwan is the country of origin for Aegis Multimedia’s DisplayPort male to female adapter, for government procurement purposes, according to a June 27 final determination.
Solar manufacturers asked for retroactive relief on Section 301 tariffs on manufacturing equipment, buyers and producers disagreed on medical product tariffs and many manufacturers supported the equipment listed, and asked for more equipment or parts for equipment that was not identified by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative as it recommended a new round of exclusions limited to manufacturing equipment.
The Commerce Department is amending the final results of the antidumping duty administrative review on certain carbon and alloy steel cut-to-length plate from Italy (A-475-834) covering the period May 1, 2022, through April 30, 2023, that were published June 7, to correct a ministerial error in a calculation, which results in a lower AD cash deposit rate for a mandatory respondent to the review.
CBP announced an Enforce and Protect Act investigation and said it has reasonable suspicion that Broadcreek Marketing Associates, Dorado Surfaces, Kingka Cabinet and Multistone Enterprises evaded the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on quartz surface products from China. The agency enacted interim measures against the importers.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo told the House Energy and Commerce Committee that the content of a rule on connected vehicles made by Chinese companies hasn't been decided yet, but she said the more she learns about the ability for surveillance by advanced cars, the more it scares her.