CBP didn't prematurely suspend liquidation of two entries prior to the beginning of an Enforce and Protect Act investigation, the agency said in a newly released ruling. The ruling, dated Jan. 3, denied a protest from Crude Chem Technology, which had argued that CBP was required by law to extend liquidation on the entries, not suspend it.
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commissioner Kimberly Glas, calling e-commerce "a superhighway of the Wild West," asked witnesses at a hearing on Chinese exports and product safety if de minimis is a major contributor to unsafe products.
CBP removed a recently issued Enforce and Protect Act notice from its website because it included business confidential information that was inadvertently released, a CBP spokesperson said. The notice announced the initiation of an EAPA proceeding and the imposition of interim measures on Beanomy, IYEE Nature, Kelanch, Wakodo Household Supply, Xinshidian Trading, Zevoky, Kakaivy, Weekaly, Heniddy, Ryan James Engineering, Sunwind Trading and Anlowo after CBP found a “reasonable suspicion” that the companies are evading antidumping and countervailing duties on mattresses from China (see 2402260044).
CBP announced an Enforce and Protect Act investigation saying there is reasonable suspicion that several companies evaded the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on mattresses from China and Vietnam. The companies are Beanomy, IYEE Nature, Kelanch, Wakodo Household Supply, Xinshidian Trading, Zevoky, Kakaivy, Weekaly, Heniddy, Ryan James Engineering, Sunwind Trading and Anlowo. The agency said this finding made the enactment of interim measures necessary.
CBP announced an Enforce and Protect Act investigation on whether Shari Pharmachem USA evaded the antidumping and countervailing duty orders on glycine from China. The agency said it found reasonable suspicion existed that the importers had transshipped Chinese-origin xanthan gum through India, necessitating the imposition of interim measures.
CBP found substantial evidence that Legion Furniture evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders covering quartz surface products from China, but didn't find substantial evidence that Vanity Art evaded the same orders. CBP, in an Enforce and Protect Act Notice of Determination dated Feb. 9, said that Legion declared the merchandise as Vietnamese-origin wood furniture without declaring the quartz surface product components as subject to the orders on entry.
CBP found substantial evidence that Exquis, Lollicup USA and Sanster evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders covering thermal paper, the agency said. It found that all three importers evaded the orders on thermal paper from China and found that Exquis also evaded the AD order on thermal paper from South Korea, CBP said.
The following lawsuits were filed at the Court of International Trade during the week of Jan. 29-Feb. 4:
CBP found substantial evidence that Suzhou Quality Import and Export evaded antidumping and countervailing duty orders on Chinese-origin aluminum extrusions, the agency said Jan. 23. Suzhou Quality imported extruded aluminum fence posts but didn't enter these extrusions as subject to the AD/CVD orders, the announcement said.
CBP affirmed an August 2023 Enforce and Protect Act decision that thermal paper from Germany transshipped through Mexico was covered by the scope of, and evaded, an antidumping duty order, the agency said in a de novo administrative review on Dec. 22.