House Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee Chairman Adrian Smith, R-Neb., Rep. Michelle Fischbach, R-Minn., and 62 other Republican members, including Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., asked U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to open a formal dispute under USMCA over Mexico's treatment of biotech corn imports.
The EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council agreed on export control and investment screening concepts, but no specific policies were arrived at during the fourth meeting of the group that ended May 31 in Sweden.
Mexico, Canada and the U.S. will hold a USMCA Labor Council virtual public session on implementation of the treaty's labor chapter on June 29. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is inviting comments ahead of the meeting, and asking for registration to participate in the two-and-a-half-hour virtual meeting that begins at 1 p.m. EDT. Registration details will be available on the USTR and Department of Labor websites starting June 1. Comments should be sent to and with the subject line USMCA Labor Council Meeting.
Trade groups representing major exporters -- including the American Chemistry Council, the National Association of Manufacturers, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and agricultural interests -- are telling the Biden administration that they are disappointed that regulatory barriers to trade are not being addressed in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.
The former lead negotiator for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, after a close examination of the joint statements from the latest Indo-Pacific Economic Framework negotiating session, said the "substantial conclusion" of the supply chain pillar is less than meets the eye.
U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said she and Australia’s Trade Minister Don Farrell, meeting on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation trade ministers' meeting, agreed the negotiations on the trade pillar of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity have been constructive.
U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai brought up China's nonmarket approach to trade, and how it causes "critical imbalances," according to a readout of her May 26 meeting with Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao.
World Trade Organization members negatively affected by national security-related trade restrictions may be able to impose retaliatory measures as a way to address the U.S. gripe with the body's review of national security issues, former Office of the U.S. Trade Representative counsel Warren Maruyama and former WTO deputy director-general Alan Wolff said. In a working paper released by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Maruyama and Wolff propose a compromise to the U.S. position that national security claims are nonreviewable.
Members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate introduced the Safeguarding American Value-Added Exports (SAVE) Act, which will amend the Agriculture Trade Act of 1978 to "include and define a list of common names for ag commodities, food products, and terms used in marketing and packaging of products," Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D., announced in a press release last week. In addition, SAVE also will direct the secretary of agriculture and the U.S. trade representative to negotiate with "our foreign trading partners to defend the right to use common names for ag commodities in those same foreign markets," the press release said.
The U.S. and Taiwan completed five chapters of a trade agreement similar to the issues under discussion in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, the U.S. announced late May 18.