CBP issued a CSMS message announcing the issuance of Harmonized System Update 1302 on changes to the 2013 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This update contains 941 ABI records and 102 harmonized tariff records. This update contains modifications made as a result of the USDA sugar certificate automation process.. The modified records are currently available to all ABI participants and can be retrieved electronically via the procedures indicated in the CATAIR. Contact Jennifer Keeling via email at Jennifer.Keeling@dhs.gov for all other questions.
Latest Harmonized System updates
The government of Canada issued the following trade-related notices for Feb 4 (Note that some may also be given separate headlines.)
CBP issued a CSMS message announcing the issuance of Harmonized System Update 1301 on changes to the 2013 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This update contains 27,646 ABI records and 5,357 harmonized tariff records. Modifications include changes associated with the recent Informal Value Change legislation. Adjustments were made to applicable tariff numbers that no longer require a formal entry, if the value exceeds $250. The modified records are currently available to all ABI participants and can be retrieved electronically via the procedures indicated in the CATAIR. Contact Jennifer Keeling via email at Jennifer.Keeling@dhs.gov for all other questions.
The International Trade Commission posted the 2013 edition of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, effective Jan. 1. The new HTS implements provisions detailed in Presidential Proclamation 8921, issued Dec. 20, including the removal of African Growth and Opportunity Act beneficiary treatment for Mali and Guinea-Bissau; modifies statistical suffixes throughout the HTS; and corrects and modifies provisions governing treatment of goods entered pursuant to various free trade agreements, to give them the intended tariff treatment.
The Census Bureau updated the Schedule B and Harmonized Tariff Schedules in the Automated Export System, effective immediately, to accept changes to the 2013 codes, it said. AES will accept shipments with outdated 2012 codes during a 30-day grace period beyond the expiration date of Dec. 31, Census said. Reporting an outdated code after the 30-day grace period will result in a fatal error.
CBP issued a CSMS message announcing the issuance of Harmonized System Update 1210 on changes to the 2012 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This update contains 39,623 ABI records and 6,726 harmonized tariff records. The modifications, effective Jan. 1, include the annual special program staged rate reductions, it said. The changes were made as a result of the 484(f) Committee, the Committee for Statistical Annotation of Tariff Schedules. Adjustments required by the verification of the 2012 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) are also included. The modified records are currently available to all ABI participants and can be retrieved electronically via the procedures indicated in the CATAIR. Contact Jennifer Keeling via email at Jennifer.Keeling@dhs.gov for all other questions.
The State Department and Bureau of Industry and Security proposed changes for export controls on military electronics in two rules set for publication in the Nov. 28 Federal Register. State’s proposed rule would amend the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) to revise Category XI (military electronics) of the U.S. Munitions List (USML) to move jurisdiction for control of certain items to BIS, describe more precisely the articles warranting control, and provide a definition for "equipment." BIS is proposing corresponding changes to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), as well as changes to implement Wassenaar Arrangement controls on cryogenic and superconducting equipment. Both State and BIS are accepting comments on their respective proposals until Jan. 28.
CBP issued a CSMS message announcing the issuance of Harmonized System Update 1209 on changes to the 2012 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This update contains 23,570 ABI records and 120,404 harmonized tariff records. The changes were made to implement the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Act and for other reasons. The modified records are currently available to all ABI participants and can be retrieved electronically via the procedures indicated in the CATAIR. Contact Jennifer Keeling via email at Jennifer.Keeling@dhs.gov for all other questions.
CBP made technical corrections relating to the NAFTA rules of origin in a final rule published in the Federal Register and effective on Sept. 25. The corrections apply to 19 CFR 102.20 of CBP's rules, which are used to determine whether a good is considered NAFTA-originating, and will allow CBP's tariff shift rules to conform with the current Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), said CBP. The new CBP rule follows the Feb. 3 update to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, which contained hundreds of World Customs Organization-recommended as well as other tariff changes.
CBP issued a CSMS message announcing the issuance of Harmonized System Update 1208 on changes to the 2012 Harmonized Tariff Schedule. This update contains 27,420 ABI records and 4,835 harmonized tariff records. The changes were made to adjust the Cotton Board’s supplemental assessment on imports. Adjustments required by the authentication of the 2012 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) are included. The modified records are currently available to all ABI participants and can be retrieved electronically via the procedures indicated in the CATAIR. Contact Jennifer Keeling via email at Jennifer.Keeling@dhs.gov for all other questions.