Broker Power is providing readers with some of the top stories for June 27 -- July 1, 2011 in case they were missed last week.
Latest Harmonized System updates
The International Trade Commission has posted the July 1, 2011 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (Revision 1) to its website. Changes were made as a result of the 484(f) Committee, Presidential Proclamation 8682, and the U.S. termination of all 100% duties in the EU beef hormone dispute.
CBP has issued a CSMS message announcing recent changes to the 2011 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HS Update No. 1103). This update contains 676 ABI records and 134 harmonized tariff records.
The European Union issued the following trade-related releases on June 15, 2011 (notices of most significance will be given separate headlines):
At a recent AAEI conference, Commerce, State, and Defense Department officials provided an update on the status of the Administration’s export control reform initiative. Officials discussed the status of the rulemakings to make the USML a “positive” list and align it structurally with the CCL, announced that a single export license has been developed but is not yet public, and stated that the Administration is developing its own export reform legislation.
The International Trade Commission has issued its final report in connection with its investigation of proposed 2012 WCO-recommended modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S., pursuant to section 1205 of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 19881.
At recent congressional hearings1, Administration and private sector witnesses testified about various transportation credentialing issues, including a report detailing Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) deficiencies, Administration efforts to implement a TWIC card reader rule and renew TWICs, Administration and congressional plans to streamline and eliminate redundancies, and the Transportation Security Administration’s plans for IT modernization.
Broker Power is providing readers with some of the top stories for April 18-22, 2011 in case they were missed last week.
During recent trade events1, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials provided an update on the status of Participating Government Agency (PGA) message set (aka the standard data set) -- a single, harmonized set of information that will be collected electronically from the trade by CBP on behalf of PGAs. The PGA message set will allow CBP and PGAs to make decisions about what cargo can come into the U.S. without the myriad paper forms currently required.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued a CSMS message on the new Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) dairy product fee assessment1 system requirements that filers and software vendors can use for programming purposes. AMS has requested that CBP begin to collect a dairy product import fee on August 1, pursuant to its March 2011 final rule.