The Census Bureau has posted to its Web site a list of 180 Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers that are invalid for use in reporting exports (either via the Automated Export System (AES) or on a paper Shipper's Export Declaration (SED)) as of January 1, 2009.
Latest Harmonized System updates
The Census Bureau has issued an Automated Export System broadcast announcing that, effective immediately, the 2009 Schedule B and Harmonized Tariff Schedule tables in AES have been updated.
The Office of U.S. Trade Representative has filed a notice for publication in the Federal Register to amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (General Notes 11(a) and 11(d)) to again list Peru as a beneficiary country for purposes of the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA) and the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA).
The International Trade Commission has posted to its Web site an updated version of the 2009 Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the U.S. (HTS) dated February 1, 2009 (Revision 1).
In late January 2009, President Bush issued Proclamation 8341, which amends the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to implement the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA or PFTA) effective for goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after February 1, 2009.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has issued a memorandum titled: "US-Oman Free Trade Agreement Implementation Instructions," that provides instructions for the filing and acceptance of claims for preferential treatment of goods under the U.S.- Oman Free Trade Agreement (OFTA, or UOFTA).
On December 31, 2008, President Bush issued Proclamation 8332 to amend the Harmonized Tariff Schedule to implement the U.S.-Oman Free Trade Agreement (OFTA) effective for qualifying goods entered or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after January 1, 2009.
On December 23, 2008, the President issued Proclamation 8331 which amends the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) to implement the U.S.-Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA)1 for Costa Rica, and for other purposes.
According to a Bureau of Census Automated Export System (AES) broadcast, effective January 1, 2009, the Schedule B and Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) tables in AES were updated to accept the changes to the 2009 codes.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has issued an updated version of its Softwood Lumber Act of 2008 (SLA 2008) frequently asked questions document. The updated version removes three questions and answers; the removed questions are as follows: