USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service informed the Office of Management and Budget that it is seeking to continue its information collection regarding importing and transporting meat, poultry and egg products. No changes will be made to the existing information collection, which will expire June 30.
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service has delayed the effective date of a final rule that amended regulations related to organic mushrooms and organic pet food, according to a Federal Register notice.
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service has delayed the effective date of a final rule that amended regulations related to paper and paper-based packaging, according to a Federal Register notice.
USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service said over the weekend that it is now allowing cattle and bison imports from Mexico after the agency halted imports in November 2024 when it detected the presence of new world screwworm (NWS) in southern Mexico.
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service is delaying the effective date, originally set for Jan. 27, of a final rule on certain fees related to Section 8e import inspections, in response to a Jan. 20 presidential directive calling for federal agencies to further scrutinize new regulations, it said in a Federal Register notice.
USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service last week updated requirements pertaining to the import of fresh bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) from Spain as part of a broader effort to prevent the introduction of the Mediterranean fruit flies (Ceratitis capitata or Medfly).
USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service is clarifying amendments related to a paper and paper-based packaging promotion, research and information order managed by the Paper and Packaging Board, over which USDA has oversight. The final rule on the amendments is effective Feb. 20, according to a Federal Register notice.
USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is reducing trade restrictions on unvaccinated live poultry imports from France and unvaccinated live ducks from the European Poultry Trade (EPTR) region and from the countries of Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway, it said in a Jan. 16 release.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will be ensuring that imports of horses, ruminants, swine and dogs from certain Central American countries are not carrying screwworm, a type of pest.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is seeking comment on a pest risk analysis that it has made on the risks associated with importing fresh rhizomes of wasabi, Eutrema japonicum (Miq.) Koidz. (Brassicaceae), for consumption from Indonesia into the U.S., it said in a Federal Register notice.