Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, called on the Biden administration to act on a surge in Mexican steel imports that are violating the 2019 Joint Agreement on Steel and Aluminum. The surge is driven by the Chinese government, which is routing steel through Mexico to avoid U.S. tariffs, Brown said in a June 25 letter.
In a bill that Republicans say is "rightsizing agencies and programs," the division of the Commerce Department that handles antidumping and countervailing duties administration would be cut by 5.7% -- $7 million -- from the current fiscal year. The bill also proposes cutting funding of the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative by 8.1% -- $6 million -- from current spending. The International Trade Commission, which manages changes to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule code, provides independent analysis crucial to the AD/CVD process, and manages the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill product nominating process, would get a 5.7% cut, $7 million less than current spending.
Almost 20 trade groups and a handful of companies disagreed on how to ensure supply chain resilience -- many arguing that liberalizing trade with allies is crucial to reduce the likelihood of shortages, or weaponization, but others asserted that friendshoring will undermine domestic production already under stress.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will soon allow imports of fresh ginseng roots from South Korea into the U.S., it said in a notice released June 21. An agency pest risk analysis found “the application of one or more designated phytosanitary measures will be sufficient to mitigate the risks of introducing or disseminating plant pests or noxious weeds via the importation of fresh ginseng roots” from South Korea, APHIS said. Imports will be authorized beginning June 24.
CBP said in a customs ruling earlier this month that luxury goods sold between a related European exporter and U.S. importer weren't subject to restrictions on their use that barred the use of the transaction method. In addition, CBP excluded service fees between the companies from the actual price of the goods since the fees didn't pertain to the goods' importation, and the agency found that the relationship between the parties didn't preclude the use of the transaction value method to appraise the value of the goods.
The Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC) for CBP will next meet June 26 remotely and in person in Long Beach, California, CBP said in a notice. Comments are due by June 21.
Laurie-Ann Agama is stepping down from her role as acting assistant U.S. trade representative for textiles and is moving to the job of assistant USTR for economic affairs. Agama, who has a doctorate in economics, has been with USTR for 20 years. The Office of Economic Affairs undertakes economic research and reviews outside research in order to advise USTR on policy. It also supports trade negotiations with analysis.
The Commerce Department on June 4 published its quarterly list of (i) completed antidumping and countervailing duty scope rulings and (ii) anti-circumvention determinations. The following list covers completed scope rulings for the period Oct. 1, 2023, through Dec. 31, 2023:
Detention and demurrage billings appear to have returned to pre-pandemic levels after spiking during the last few years, said Jason Guthrie, an official with the Federal Maritime Commission's Bureau of Trade Analysis.
World Shipping Council CEO Joe Kramek said that his trade group doesn't take a position on whether Chinese practices to support its commercial shipbuilding industry are actionable under Section 301, but it "strongly opposes" the petitioners' proposal that a $1 million fee be levied on Chinese-built ships docking in U.S. ports.