CBP will bolster a number of existing initiatives in the coming months aimed at preventing the import of products made with forced labor, said Katie Woodson, assistant director within the operations and forced labor divisions of CBP's Office of Trade, during a panel on forced labor at last week's Western Cargo Conference.
The Drug Enforcement Administration is listing ethylphenidate, a central nervous system stimulant, under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, it said in a notice released Oct. 21. Import and export restrictions set by the listing take effect Nov. 21.
SAN DIEGO -- Although CBP has yet to indicate exactly when the agency will publish details on the new continuing education requirement for customs brokers, the agency's final rule will come out in the "near term," an official said during an Oct. 19 panel discussion at the Western Cargo Conference (WESCCON). In the meantime, partner government agencies including the FDA are still hammering out details about what offerings they will provide for continuing education credit.
The Commerce Department will consider a potential new exemption from antidumping and countervailing duties for certain small, low-wattage, off-grid solar cells attached to an aluminum extrusion, it said in a trio of notices initiating changed circumstances reviews.
A group of parents and other family members of those who overdosed on fentanyl are asking the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to double the 25% Section 301 tariffs on lists 1 and 2 under the existing Section 301 action, combined with no de minimis eligibility for all Chinese goods.
Officials from Squire Patton Boggs said that if Donald Trump returns to the presidency, a 10% tariff or higher on a vast swath of imports could come very quickly, but what wouldn't be subject to the tariffs is not yet clear.
The Commerce Department is set to begin administrative reviews for certain firms subject to antidumping and countervailing duty orders with September anniversary dates. Producers and exporters subject to administrative reviews on products from China or Vietnam must submit their separate rate certifications or applications on or about Nov. 18 in order to avoid being assigned high China-wide or Vietnam-wide rates.
The Commerce Department has published the final results of the antidumping duty administrative review on lightweight thermal paper from China (A-570-920). Commerce continued its preliminary finding in the final results, that all three exporters under review -- Guangdong Guanhao High-Tech, Guangdong Polygon New Materials, and Henan Jianghe Paper -- did not demonstrate independence from state control, assigning them a China-wide AD duty rate of 115.29%. Commerce will assess AD at this rate on subject merchandise exported by these three companies and entered between Nov. 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2023. A 115.29% AD duty cash deposit rate takes effect Oct. 15 for subject merchandise exported by each of these three companies.
The Treasury Department is seeking public comments on an information collection involving the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Rough Diamonds Control Regulations, which outline restrictions on certain diamond imports. Under the regulations, Treasury said the person listed as the ultimate consignee on the entry summary or its electronic equivalent must report that person’s receipt of a shipment of rough diamonds “to the relevant foreign exporting authority within 15 calendar days of the date that the shipment arrived at the U.S. port of entry.” Comments on the information collection are due Dec. 16.
CBP's new Forced Labor Allegation Portal and Forced Labor Portal will consolidate the information collection of potential forced labor violations into one centralized location, "increasing efficiency and reducing the burden of collection to both CBP and the public," the agency said in a notice seeking comments as it prepares to submit the information collection to the Office of Management and Budget.