The Commerce Department made preliminary affirmative antidumping duty determinations that imports of glass wine bottles from Chile (A-337-808), China (A-570-162) and Mexico (A-588-862) are being sold in the U.S. at less than fair value. The agency will impose AD cash deposit requirements retroactively on some entries of subject merchandise from China beginning May 11, 2024. For the other Chinese exporters, as well as all exporters in Chile and Mexico, AD suspension of liquidation and cash deposit requirements take effect Aug. 9, 2024.
After its bid for a preliminary injunction was denied by Court of International Trade Judge Claire Kelly (see 2407260045), a customs broker fought Aug. 5 against a motion to dismiss its case, saying its complaint was ripe for litigation because CBP had already made the decision to deny its reinstatement to the agency's Entry Type 86 pilot (Seko Customs Brokerage v. United States, CIT # 24-00097).
China last week imposed sanctions against U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., for frequently making "remarks and actions that interfere in China's internal affairs and undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests," China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, according to an unofficial translation. The ministry said it will impose an asset freeze and travel ban on McGovern.
In the July 31 Customs Bulletin (Vol. 58, No. 30), CBP published proposals to revoke ruling letters concerning cheetah Squishmallows and paper wine bottle carriers from China.
A united front and better data analysis are key to ensuring that imported seafood is lawfully produced and harvested, representatives from CBP, the FDA, the Department of Labor and NOAA Fisheries said when discussing the next steps for NOAA's Seafood Import Monitoring Program (SIMP) during a July 30 webinar hosted by the Stimson Center think tank.
The Commerce Department has released the preliminary results of its antidumping duty administrative review on steel nails from Malaysia (A-557-816). In the final results of this review, Commerce may set assessment rates for subject merchandise from reviewed companies entered July 2022 through June 2023.
The Commerce Department has released a notice announcing the beginning of administrative reviews for certain firms subject to antidumping and countervailing duty orders with June anniversary dates. Producers and exporters subject to any of these administrative reviews on China or Vietnam must submit their separate rate certifications or applications by Aug. 28 to avoid being assigned high China-wide or Vietnam-wide rates.
The EPA is finalizing amendments to hazardous waste manifest regulations and to hazardous waste electronic manifest (e-Manifest) regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), it said in a notice in the Federal Register. The agency says these actions should increase the utility of the e-Manifest system, reduce administrative burden and improve tracking of hazardous waste shipments.
Minsu Fang, a Chinese national, was indicted for allegedly conspiring to import what the U.S. government believes to be "the largest amount of fentanyl precursors found in the Southern District of Texas and one of the largest in the country," DOJ announced July 22.
The Federal Maritime Commission this week released its final rule on unreasonable carrier conduct, the last step in the FMC’s nearly two-year campaign of crafting regulations to address ocean carriers that unfairly refuse vessel or cargo space to shippers.